Change is everywhere

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Isabella had never been so distracted while teaching Emma. After Alexander's cryptic request and sudden departure, she spent the remainder of the day trying to guess why he had summoned her for a meeting. Thus, by the time 4pm dawned, Isabella walked to his study with both curiosity and trepidation. She couldn't pinpoint why, but she felt nervous, and so when she reached the carved wooden door of the study she paused and took a deep breath.

Slowly she raised her hand to the smooth oak wood and knocked twice. "Enter" spoke a deep voice from within and so she unhurriedly opened the door and stepped inside.  

The word masculine came to mind as Isabella entered the room. Dark furnishings pervaded it and her eyes needed to readjust to the dim lighting. A large mahogany desk sat in the centre of the room and behind it Alexander sat looking as if he was deep in thought.

There were papers strewn across the desk along with inkpots, quills and various other objects. On entering he did not look up, instead he continued to write on a piece of parchment before him. Isabella slowly walked forward and began to peruse the book shelves along the walls, she noted that he had an extensive collection and continued along noting many of the classics before her eyes landed on "The Monk" by Matthew Gregory Lewis. Isabella giggled unconsciously at the sight remembering how Charlotte had told her that the book was "quite scandalous".

"Something amuse you?" Alexander then asked in a low tone. "Oh" Isabella burst out before covering her mouth and blushing "Excuse me...I have quite an extensive taste in novels". Alexander seemed to smile for but a fraction of a second before his expression turned serious once more "Please do take a seat".

Without ceremony she quickly took the offered seat in front of his desk and waited. Alexander rose from his chair, taking the crystal glass from his desk he walked to a brandy decanter which rested upon a side table and filled his glass. Turning he asked "Would you like some?" 

"Oh no thank you...It's too early for me" she all but whispered. The tension in the room seemed palpable as he walked back to his desk and took his seat once more "Very well" he finally replied before taking a sip of the dark liquid.

It was then that Isabella noted the tiredness around his eyes, and the dark stubble that shadowed his broad jaw line. It appeared he had changed into new attire after his journey, however his cravat hung loosely around his neck and the top buttons on his shirt were undone revealing a smattering of chest hair and sun kissed skin.

Isabella was starting to feel a little warm when he finally looked at her and spoke "I have arranged a cottage for you to live in, it's less than half a mile away...". Pausing Alexander looked at her waiting for a response and on realising this Isabella stuttered "Ah thank you...I...I thank you...Alex...your grace" His face changed at her final words but he did not correct her. 

Nodding he took a sip of his brandy once more and paused before saying "Yes well, it's probably taken longer to arrange than you would have liked and you are free to move in this week if you wish. But... can I advise that you stay until the new year...the winter is due to be a harsh one so it may not be wise to leave just yet" he uttered, assessing her reaction to his final words.

Isabella's mind was whirling This was what I wanted, wasn't it? she thought. She had almost forgotten her wish to move since he had been away, so it now came as quite a shock. "Yes it might be wise to wait..." she said timidly.  At her reply he seemed to exhale a breath before he stared at her intensely."Good and in that case I have something to ask of you. It seems that Mrs Carter could do with some help organising this year's ball and I thought that maybe you could help?"

Isabella blushed "But... would the servants not look unkindly on me...heavens they will probably laugh at me giving them orders! I must speak frankly and say that I do not think that it would be my place to help. Such a responsibility is for the lady of a household, not a governess." Alexander smiled at her concern, before his mood darkened " If the servants do not obey your requests they will have me to answer to...and as to the other...well I do not have a wife to run my household as of yet"

He looked straight into her eyes then before saying "So will you take on the task? If not for me, then for Mrs Carter's sake". Isabella smiled "Of course". He returned her smile before picking up his glass once more and emptying its contents in one gulp. "Well...I had best get back to work...I shall see you at dinner". Averting his eyes to the papers on his desk once more he dipped his quill in ink, a clear signal that she was dismissed.

Isabella rose from her chair and walked to the door wondering why he seemed so different. Was it her own imagination or had something happened in London she wondered. She was about to exit the room when a streak of boldness crossed her and she stopped in her tracks turning back to face him.

"Alexander..." she murmured. At the use of his given name his eyes instantly connected with hers. "Is everything ok?...I mean you seem ahh... distracted since your return" His eyes bored into hers and he opened his mouth to speak before closing it once more. His eyes then became hooded and he replied "I am fine... thank you for your concern. I have a lot of pressing matters that need my attention...please see yourself out".

Enraged by his final words she quickly opened the door and was just crossing the threshold when he spoke in a low tone that sounded almost like a growl "Isabella...that colour suits you. I must commend Madame Delaurier when I see her next"

Isabella gaped at him, confused by his change in speech, one minute he was cool with her, the next he complimented her. "She is an excellent dressmaker, thank you for the dresses. Well... I shall leave you to your work." She quickly closed the door behind her and exhaled a pent up breath. Gathering her thoughts, she decided to go in search of Mrs Carter  to tell her the news that she would be helping with the ball. 

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