Chapter 58

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School on Monday was terrible.

Teachers were throwing study guides in my face left and right for finals next week and while at first it was annoying, by about 4th period, I was actually starting to get nervous. Normally I would spend this entire week doing nothing, but stayed every night at Jazmine's and just watch her study, which would rub off on me enough to pass. But because I couldn't even look her in the face right now, I felt more unprepared than ever.

I came into Acacia's class a little later than normal and found that Jazmine had let some random ass girl take my normal seat next to her. I was forced to sit dead front in center, right in the line of Acacia's natural gaze, and she wouldn't stop looking at me for whatever reason.  But it wasn't in a good way.

She did call me the night before at some point, but I'd already gone to bed. Now, on top of everything else, I couldn't stop thinking about what her and Mr. Hemphill talked about last night. Maybe I was tripping, but she looked a little guilty.

I was so annoyed with my day that by fifth period lunch, I faked cramps in the nurse's office and ended up leaving early, which was something I hadn't done in months since I got with Acacia. And now, it didn't feel too good to do. She was changing me for the better and I didn't really like it.

I just drove around for a good while before I found myself at the pizza place where Pac worked. He was working the counter like usual, looking bored as hell. That made two of us.

  "What's up, homie? Let me get a slice." We did our handshake and I pulled up a seat. It was only about 12:30, so it was pretty quiet.

  "You got slice money?" He asked.

  "Please. I'll take pepperoni." I sucked my teeth and pulled a nail file out of my backpack.

  "Shouldn't you be in school, little girl?" He asked, giving me a hot slice on a paper plate. I nodded to him in thanks.

  "Shut up. I'm so over this shit, I don't know what to do."

  "You sound like me. I think I used up all my absent days by October though. So you actually doing better," he laughed.

  "I don't think I have too many left. Maybe one more. At least I get half credit today, though."

  "You talk to Jazzy?" He asked.  I rolled my eyes.

  "Hell nah. That hoe gave up my seat in math. It's real beef now."

  "Oh, Lord. Yeah, we gon get y'all together today. She talked to me last night about what happened." Pac shook his head warily, leaning over the counter.

  "Oh, word? What she say? I gotta hear this."

  "It was basically the same shit, only you was the  one out of line. Sum about trust or betrayal. Ion even know. I was high, smoked the rest of that blunt you gave me."

I scoffed. "Yeah, whatever. She full of shit."

  "Why you give me that whole thing anyway? You barely had any."

  "I need a break, man. It's not hitting the same. Plus my girl stay on me about it—"

  "You gon tell me who she is yet?"

  "Hell, nah." I gave him a funny look. "Don't worry about me."

  "Ain't nobody worried," he waved me off.

  "Right. Just nosy."

Honestly, I couldn't believe I'd made it this long without giving up anything about Acacia to him. He always knew who I was with, and none of my past niggas liked him because of how close we were. Acacia was probably the only person that really understood and trusted me about it.

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