Chapter 54

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"I don't see why you always wanna be at my house so bad. It's nothing special."

As soon as Aaliyah woke up, she begged for me to take us back to my house.

"Well, it's really because I don't know when my mama's coming home, but I don't wanna be there when she does."

"What's your relationship like with her?"

"It's... yeah. I mean, are we completely disconnected? Nah, but... let's just say I'm a daddy's girl at heart."

"I get that. I'm the same way, being the only girl, and the youngest."

"I know you were spoiled to death."

"Are you kidding? I still am." I scoffed. "I mean, he's going in half on the rent for that house you love so much."

"Is he really?" She laughed. I turned the corner into my subdivision.

"Did you really think I could afford it on a starting teacher's salary?"

"Hey, I have no idea what y'all get paid. But I know it's more than part-time minimum wage at a grocery store, and that's my only point of reference."

"Gotta start from somewhere. I wish my parents would have let me work in high school. They didn't want me getting distracted, though."

"Maybe that's why I'm so bad at math..." she pondered.

"No. You're not bad at math, Aaliyah. You're just lazy." I hit her thigh playfully.

"Shut up. I just have different priorities. That's all."

"Uh huh."

We got home, and Aaliyah opened up my front door like she was the one paying bills. I just shook my head and followed close behind her. "Home, sweet home." As I walked in, she was falling onto my couch. "You know what you need? A dog." She posed.

"It's on my list of post-college things to do for sure."

"Ooh, can I help you pick one out?" She sat up straight, and her eyes got big and round. "I always wanted a little yorkie."

"Well, I like big dogs. Something that's gonna protect me," I chuckled.

"Nah. You put the little hair bows on it, and they're so cute! Let's go look at dogs." She hopped up from her seat and spun me around in a circle. "Baby, that would be so funnnn."

"What?" I laughed, holding onto her body once I started getting dizzy. She could be so silly.

"Let's go find a puppy, Acacia! Cross it off the list."

"I really hadn't even thought about it until you said something."

"It's a sign. Come on, you're always saying how lonely it gets in here. We could pick one out, and I'll buy toys, and train it..."

"Who's dog is this, Aaliyah? Yours or mine?"

"Ours." She said with a wide smile and one curt nod. My cheeks started to heat up. "We would make great dog parents, don't you think?" She wrapped her arms around my neck, and my hands naturally found her waist.

"Maybe we would." It sounded like a lot of fun to take care of a dog with Aaliyah. I just wondered if it was another step in our relationship, or if it really was harmless. I had always wanted a dog of my own after our family's Dalmatian passed when I was 14, but I didn't think a day would come when I was actually in a position to do it. There really wasn't anything holding me back, but to throw Aaliyah into that equation had a bit of a different aftertaste to it. Then again, I didn't think she was going anywhere. It could be our dog if she wanted it to be. So I nodded my head slowly, already growing a little excited. She squealed and hugged me.

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