Chapter 38

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"...And that's how we get into derivatives," Acacia droned from the board. I tried my absolute best today. I really did. But I found myself day dreaming, and then falling asleep, on a few occasions. I don't know what it was. Part of me was happy that I could go to study hall and really take a nap like the old days, since Acacia and I wouldn't be seeing each other right after her class anymore. It was going to be weird. My day would feel unusually long, I guessed. And I would miss her. To watch her do this lecture for 45 minutes was not the same as being up under her. It was like I didn't even know her up there. Just another teacher who I didn't care about. Kind of.

I put my head on my arm and glanced at Jazmine, diligently taking notes. I would never understand how she did it. She noticed my stare and stuck her tongue out at me for a second before going back to her work. I chuckled and turned my head the other way, facing the board again. Acacia had turned around and addressed the class, scanning the room and seemingly not noticing all of the bored faces. Or at the very least, my face.

Her eyes finally locked with mine as she spoke and stayed there for an unusual amount of time. It made me feel hot inside. What was she trying to tell me with her eyes? I couldn't read it this time. I licked my lips and just shook my head at her, which made her stop talking altogether.

"Um... what was I saying? I just lost my train of thought," she said bashfully, shaking her head. Somebody in the back of the classroom piped up.


"Right, thank you—"

The bell cut her off. "We'll continue tomorrow. Do the last section of chapter 11 for homework, Odd problems! Have a good day."

"Jesus, Thank the Lord." I got up and stretched out. "Hold up, Jaz, I'm coming witchu this time."

She was finishing writing something in her little planner. She was so organized, it made me sick.

"Oh, word? So you not—"

"Aaliyah, can I talk to you for a second?" Acacia said. It threw me off guard. I whipped around and looked at her. She was erasing the board, not paying me any attention, it seemed.

"There it go," Jazmine teased. "I guess I'll see you later, then."

"Bye," I mumbled. Wasn't no way I could stay here. This block was too hot. "Yes, Miss King?"

"He's not here today. One of the other teachers told me he blacked out on Friday. He had to go to the hospital. Can you shut the door?"

My heart dropped. So Hemphill's corny ass really got down like that? I could not see him that drunk.

"Damn." I closed it and waited for her to give me her full attention.

"Damn is Right. There's no way he remembers what happened after that. I'm praying he won't." She wiped her hands off of chalk dust and turned to face me.

"You better hope he bumped his head real good," I mumbled. She made a slight frown at the comment. "So you gon kiss me or what, girl? I haven't seen you in damn near three days."

She shook her head. "Don't do that," she said.

"Do what?"

"That little stunt you pulled in class just now." She waved her chalk in the vicinity of my desk.

"What stunt." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Don't... don't look at me like that when I'm trying to teach a lesson."


"Don't act like you don't know, Aaliyah! Making me lose my train of thought, I looked so foolish up here." She got embarrassed. I felt guilty, but I was kind of funny to me. Cute. All I did was look at her, and she lost her mind? That's what I do to her?

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