Chapter 9

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My soul was on fire. I couldn't even move from where Acacia had me layed out. It was like that. Everything I knew about sex, and how it felt, how I thought it was supposed to feel, had gone to shit after the first touch. She had this way of making it feel so personal, like we did this all the time. I know she could see right through me. And I just couldn't wrap my head around it. I'd never stop thinking about it for as long as I was living. That good.

  "Come here, I wanna show you my guest room," Acacia spoke softly, already leaning on the entrance back into the hallway.

I was left to scramble like a dumb ass to put my clothes back on. I felt so out of it now. A crack of high-pitched thunder startled me momentarily. The reason we got into this in the first place. When she saw me stand up. She tapped her fingers on the door frame and headed out. I jogged to catch up with her. Was this not affecting her at all? God damn. She was acting like all we did was play cards or something.

It was the room right down the hall from hers, painted a warm mahogany and black with the same sort of African art scattered in all the right places. She was so damn creative. All it needed was some Erykah Badu and incense. And maybe a gram or so.

  "So, um, make yourself comfortable, I'll come back and get you something to sleep in, a few towels..." she trailed as she was already leaving the room. I fell back onto the bed and tried to catch my breath once more.

This shit really just fucking happened. She was really just inside of me. She touched me. She kissed me. And I loved every second of her. And it was just between me and her. I'd never felt so close to someone. Nothing about it was normal. She had me at her feet already. And I never let niggas get that close to me. She was different though. Obviously.

My mind was racing in circles for the millionth time with those same thoughts when she appeared again with her hands full of linen. I immediately sat up, feeling kind of embarrassed to be sprawled out like that now.

   "Oh, no, honey, you can relax. I just brought this for you."

  "Thank you, Acacia." My eyes were glued to the stack of clothes on the bed. Damn it, why was I so afraid of intimacy sometimes?

"You're welcome." Her eyes burned into me, and I had to look at her now. I was glad I did. Her face was so soft and comforting just to look at. She sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling her knee up to her chin. "How do you feel?" Her voice barely broke a whisper.

I just shook my head. "I couldn't tell you, honestly... I just-- You're, you made me feel... I can't even really put words to it, but--I'm sorry, I'm stuttering now." I blushed . Damn.

  "It's okay. Do you... do you feel like you learned something, perhaps?"  She cocked her head to the side with a quizzical look in the sexiest way anyone could do that. How could she be so mellow?

  "Maybe, I--yeah," I shook the hesitation away. "Yeah, I did."

  "So do you think, maybe, if there was a sort of... assessment, that you could pass with flying colors?"

My heart fell to the pit of my stomach. My facial expression probably did the same. No way I could do any of that to her and make it good. It would be a disgrace to all sex ever.

  "Not tonight, of course," she added. "I want to give you more time, and more chances to study." She looked down at my leg and rested her hand on it. I licked my lips. It was the way she could be this nonchalant about all of it that turned me on the most. Like it was no big deal for her to touch me, and for me to touch her back. But maybe it wasn't. We were just people.

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