Chapter 17

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It was still kind of early when I left Acacia's, so I decided I could nip this whole thing with Kadeem in the bud right now, especially since she damn near brainwashed me and made me realize he was never that good to me. He was tolerable at best, mostly a cute face.

I knew he was always up pretty late, so when I pulled up to his crib at 10:57, it wouldn't be that big of a deal. His momma answered the door, giving me a hug and telling me he was up in his room. It sucked that we had to end this because I was still so down for his family. Me and his sister would even hang out sometimes. I had a feeling that wouldn't be happening too much after tonight.

  "Kadeem, it's me, let me in," I said through the door. I could hear him playing some music. He opened the door in only basketball shorts, not looking terribly excited to see me. It didn't make me any difference, made my job easier.

  "Why ain't you call first, A?" He pecked my lips and let me inside.

  "Just... forgot, I guess. We gotta talk though." I sat down on his bed, and it reminded me of the first time we ever slept together. He was my first; I remember the night like it was yesterday. I was turning 17 that night, and he swore that he and I had to have sex to celebrate. I didn't mind, but looking back, he was kind of pushy.

  "Happy Birthday, Liyah Monster," he whispered to me for the 10th time that night. We  stood on his porch, and I was getting ready to go home after spending the entire day with him and my friends. It was a good day. He kissed me softly, leaning me up against his front door as time passed. "You know I love you, girl."

  "I love you too," I bit my lip, getting bashful under his gaze. It was the first time I'd ever seen them so low, so inviting. I knew what was about to jump off before it even happened.

  "You know my parents ain't home right? I wanna give you one last present." He reached behind me opened his door, cornering me inside.

  "What's that?" I asked.

  "It's upstairs. In my room."

I followed him up there. The house was dead silent. I felt like we were breaking in, like we weren't supposed to be there, even though it was his house.

  He shut the door behind us and attacked my lips once more, allowing us to fall backwards onto his bed. It felt so good, and though we'd fooled around millions of times before this, something was different. He felt different to me. I couldn't put my finger on it.

  "I thought, since we both 17 now, we could take it a step further, you know?" He proposed, playing with the strap on my tank top. He pulled it down and kissed my shoulder.

  "Baby, I don't know..." my eyes shifted around the room. Honestly, I didn't think it was too big of a deal, but I couldn't just give it all up without a fight. I'd seem too easy.

  "Come on. You love me, don't you, girl?"

I nodded my head, running my hands down his face and kissing his lips again. "Ain't no thing if we love each other, right?" He mumbled against my lips. "I got protection, it's all good."

  "You ain't never seen me naked though."

  "It's a first for everything," he bit his lip and shrugged his shoulders.

  "Is it gon hurt? Tisha and Rene told me it hurt the first time."

  "Nah, baby, it ain't gon hurt the way I do it. Imma make you feel good." Kadeem kissed my neck, sliding his hands underneath my shirt. It felt so good already, and figured it would only get better from here. "It's your birthday. You got to feel good, baby. We got to celebrate for you, nah?"

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