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When I woke up this morning, I had a page from Acacia. Since I told her not to call the house anymore, her signal for me to come to class a little earlier than normal was to just give me a buzz. It was already pushing 7, so I had to get ready even faster to get there in time. Time was 30 minutes extra for her. I hurried and threw on some jeans and a sweatshirt, then grabbed my keys and almost made it out the door before my mama called me from her bedroom. I sighed.

  "Where are you going? It's only 7:30."

  "I know, I got some business to handle, Ma. I'll see you when you get home."

  "You don't have no business to handle in this house. Where are you going, Aaliyah Dana?"

I rolled my eyes. "And don't be rolling your eyes at me," she said. I frowned. She couldn't even see me.

  "Ma, I just gotta go make up a test!"

  "Why couldn't you just say that, then? Go on, before you late. Lock the door behind you. Have a good day."

I sighed and got in my car, speeding to school. I was already five minutes late, and I knew how Acacia felt about being on time, whether that was to class or other, more personal, affairs. I jogged up the stairs and to her classroom, where she was writing the lesson on the board.

  "Hey," I exhaled, trying to catch my breath. She turned her head to me and smiled, but then it faded as her eyes brushed the clock.

  "Seven minutes, huh?" She said, returning her attention back to the blackboard. I dropped my backpack on the floor.

  "Blame my Mama. I would have been here." I sat on top of a desk. "What's up?"

She hurriedly scratched the last of a math problem down and dropped the chalk, turning around completely to face me. Her expression was unreadable. But as she approached me and leaned in for a slow, longing, kiss, I knew exactly what was up.

  "Shit," I mumbled as I opened my eyes. "What's up with you?"

  "Nothin," she said easily. "What's up with you?"

She wasn't saying much. She could be so mysterious sometimes. But I knew when she got like that, I should keep my mouth shut too. And let my body do all of the talking.

  So I just bit my lip before kissing her again. She held onto my face for a while, and then pulled away, wiping her lipstick off my lips with her thumb. She stood up without another word and went back into the supply closet, and I followed silently.

  I could barely shut the door before she was already beginning to undress me, unbuckling my belt to start. This was one thing I didn't mind waking up early for.

  "Go sit," she whispered. I took my usual place on top of the plastic storage bins. Before she could continue, I pressed my lips to hers once more, now letting my hands roam her body before resting them on her ass. One tight squeeze elicited a small groan from her throat that caused a drizzling at the meeting of my thighs. It was then that I realized I hadn't seen her all weekend, and now I understood why she called me this morning. She knew that I wasn't a morning person, and didn't do this often, so I knew that the matter of me being here was pressing for her. I liked that she wanted me that bad. She missed me.

  I shimmied out of my jeans and spread my legs open for her, staring innocently into her eyes as her fingers grazed me. Her caress was slow to start, and then a little quicker as my breathing became shallow. She paused for a moment to unbutton her suit jacket, and then handed it to me knowingly. She only offered it to me when she knew I was going to get loud. Today was one of those days. It made my skin crawl in anticipation. She could make me as loud or as quiet as she so desired, knowing exactly what to do to get either out of me. That's how well she knew me at this point, and it hadn't been long at all. It was coming up on just under two and a half months since the night that she first kissed me. I couldn't believe how time was flying by.

After Class (Janet and Aaliyah) Where stories live. Discover now