Chapter 40

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Aaliyah stared at me with wide eyes, stunned at the words that I couldn't quite believe I just spoke. After we just had that conversation... I couldn't hold it inside. Now was the time; my body was on fire, spent, completely satisfied with what she'd just done to me. I couldn't say I had intended on doing it, either. Like the way she said it on the phone, it slipped out. But I didn't want to take it back. How could I? It was Aaliyah. I didn't care if we'd only known each other one week. We'd already been through quite a bit. And still I wanted her just as bad as the first night she came over. So I did. I loved her. And I wanted her to know. Right then.

"I know, you said you weren't really sure, and... and... that's okay. Don't feel like you have to—"
"I love you too," she spat out quickly. "I'm not just saying that. I guess I was scared."

"Of what, honey?" I reached up and grabbed her face gently.

"I just... I don't know. But now that you've said it, I feel a lot better, and—I do... love you, Acacia."

I smiled. "Yeah?"

"You knew that. I feel like you knew." She moved away from me so that I could start to re dress myself.

"No, I would never assume that. Because if I did, and you didn't feel that way, that's a lot of egg on my face, no?"

"I guess." She shrugged, then crawled to the front seat to re start her car. I waited in the back, unsure of what to do. I didn't want to leave her. It didn't seem right.

"Can I ask you something?" I said timidly. She turned around in her seat, opting just to return to the back row with me.


"You know, we're getting closer to the end of the year now, and I just want to know what your plan is."

"My plan?" She scratched the back of her neck.

"Yeah. Are you thinking about college?"

She sighed, playing with her fingers. "To be honest, I wasn't until I met you. I thought I was just gonna keep working until my music gets off the ground, but now..."

I lost my words. I made her want to go to school? "Honey..."

She got extremely shy, looking anywhere but at me. I scooted closer to her and grabbed her hands. "Hey, don't be embarrassed. This is so great."

Aaliyah chuckled, then her smile dropped. "But I feel like... it's not going to work."

"Why do you say that? Of course you can go." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Well, I have no clue where to start. And my grades this semester have been—"

"You have more than enough going for you to get into a college of your choice. And if you need help, you know I can help you. Writing letters, I'll give you a kick-ass recommendation—"

"That's a lot," she mumbled, getting overwhelmed.

"Not if you start today. Tomorrow. A little at a time. I can help you look."

"And how am I supposed to afford it? Isn't college, like, really expensive?"

"Not if you get scholarships."

"You think I'm smart enough to go on a scholarship?"

"Hell yes. What do you want to study?"

"I think, um... music. I want to sing." She smiled softly.

"If any school hears two seconds of your voice, they will throw money at you. Trust me." I grabbed her face and made her look at me. "Trust me."

After Class (Janet and Aaliyah) Where stories live. Discover now