Chapter 52

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This is really long.


As I  pulled out of acacia's driveway, I decided to call Jazmine back. It was still pretty early, and I was hungry, so I hoped I could go score a plate with her family before I headed home.

  "Hey, I'm back," I said, putting the phone on my lap. I couldn't get over how convenient this little thing was. "Can I slide? I'm about 20 minutes out."

  "Well... Pac gets out in 15..." She trailed. I couldn't figure out why, but she and him was already starting to work my nerves. It hadn't even been a full week yet. 

  "Okay, look. I'm hungry. And since your mama invited me, I don't wanna be rude. Let's just all eat together, and I'll be gone as soon as my plate is empty. Okay?" I turned a corner.

  "A, come on—"

  "I'm already on the way! It's too late. Sorry. I'll see you in a minute."

Now I was really irritated, but a free meal was a free meal. And I knew it would be good. But Jazmine was acting like I hadn't known both of them for the majority of my life, or like I hadn't known Pac almost twice as long as I'd known her. And whatever they had sparked up in a week's time had nothing on the years of friendship we all shared.

By the time I'd made it back to our neighborhood, Pac still hadn't gotten there yet and I was thankful. I knocked on her door twice before letting myself in, and I was immediately met with the smell of fried chicken and the sound of her family in all its loud glory. Her dad's two brothers were over, and they were all playing dominoes in the front room. I waved at everyone politely.

"Aaliyah!" Jazmine's little brother spotted me from the living room couch where he was watching some tv in his pajamas. I knew it was past his bedtime, and that he was probably waiting up for me.

  "Hi, little E!" I came over to him and gave him a kiss on his forehead. "What are you watching, homie?"

  "This is Blue's Clues. You can watch it with me."

  "Well, I was hoping I could go eat and talk with Jazzy. But I'll come say goodnight before you go to sleep."

  "You need to be on your way to bed now, Ethan," her mom said from the kitchen. "Ten more minutes." He ignored her as the blue dog on the screen stole all of his focus.

  "Hey, hey. It's smelling good up in here." I made my way to the sink where she was washing dishes to give her a quick hug.

  "It's chicken, some green beans, and potatoes, and cornbread.  All in the oven."

  "Thank you so much. I'm so hungry. Where's Jaz?" I started to fix my plate.

  "Upstairs. She probably didn't hear you come in, playing all that loud music. How's your mama?"

  "She's getting on my last nerves, so she must be pretty good."

She laughed. My dad had been calling her less and less, and it gave her more time to breathe down my neck. She had me doing extra chores, coming home earlier, studying, and I was not appreciative at all. I wondered if they finally decided to pull the plug on their marriage altogether, but I knew they'd tell me when a real decision was made.

  "Good. Tell her I said hello."

  "Yes, Ma'am."

  "Jazmine Rochelle, Liyah's down here," she yelled. I settled at the table with my food. Just then, the doorbell buzzed.

  "That's probably Pac. I'll get it." I hopped up and made it to the front door just as Jazmine was coming down the stairs. She stopped in her tracks at the sight of me. She had on these booty shorts that were more like underwear and an old t shirt that she tied up in the front to show her stomach. As long as she and I been having sleepovers, she never just lounged around the house in nothing like that. So I knew exactly what was up, and it made my stomach ache a little.

  "Hey, girl," I said, putting my hand on the knob.

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