Chapter 4

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"So you take the square root of both sides, Aaliyah. That's all I did." I erased the last step for the 4th time, her eyes glued to the paper and her forehead resting in her palms. The frustration was setting in.

"Okay, teach, I'm sorry. It's not that I don't get it, I just can't focus."

And she was calling me teach instead of my name. She was mad. But it was kind of cute.

"Alright, its fine. Let's take a break, huh? 10 minutes." I shut the book and she leaned back in her chair, stretching out. It showed her stomach, now with a little ring in it. I had the sudden urge to kiss it.

"Thank you. That's all I need, just-" Aaliyah exhaled heavily.

"Well, when it started getting hard for me to focus, I always just think of something that I really, really want. Usually food. To watch a movie, whatever it is. And then, once I'm all done studying, I have it. To treat myself."

I could see her contemplating something, a desire that must have already been in her head.


"So what is it, that you really, really want?" I asked her.

"I, um, I know exactly it is that I want... but um... I'm not quite sure it's something I can have once we're finished here," she replied bashfully, seemingly getting antsy. I knew, because when she was uncomfortable, she started speaking really proper instead of her usual urban slang.

"Well, what is it?"


Her voice was barely audible, but I wouldn't mistake that for anything else. My heart began to race as I put my hand on her thigh. She tensed at the gesture.

"Well, that's not... not completely out of reach." I looked her in the eyes, the way I'd wanted to do since the day I met her, getting totally lost. She bit her lip softly.

"It's not?" She whispered.

I shook my head. "Not at all."

"Wow, I um, I ain't really sure what to say."

I shook my head again. "Just come here then." I hooked my foot around the leg of her chair and pulled her closer to me. Now we were inches apart, she was nearly sitting on my lap. I wished she would just do it.

"Aaliyah, Aaliyah," I began slowly and softly. "What a coincidence this is, no? That you would feel this way about me. I'm happy to tell you that I feel the exact same." I ran my fingers through her bone-straight hair. "And of course, if you want me, you can have me. Just say it."

"I want you."

I took my thumb and ran it across her bottom lip, which seemed to be trembling. I smiled.

"There's just one thing."

"What's that?"

"If I make you moan, it's gotta stay within these walls," I mumbled in her ear. I felt her shiver underneath me. I stood up and took her hands in mine, leading her to my couch. "Do you understand?"


I stopped to turn around and look at her. "Say 'yes, Acacia'."

"Yes, Acacia." I sat her on the couch, laying her down onto her back and getting on top of her.

"God, I'm in love with the way you say my name."

I leaned into her face, trying to move her side bangs from her eyes. I couldn't wait for the moment our lips would finally collide, that I would finally get a taste of that warm cinnamon.

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