Chapter 43

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I tried to be strong. And I tried to be stubborn. But I loved that girl, and right now, I hated the fact that I did. For once in my life, I just wanted to get it right. I wanted someone that I didn't have to worry about. I thought Acacia was that person for me, but she showed her true colors today.

It was a bold move, coming to my place of work, trying to apologize the way she did. I didn't really appreciate it. My coworkers kept asking me what was wrong, and why my eyes were puffy and red, and I would have been fine if she hadn't shown up. But she just had to break me down in the middle of the damn grocery store.

She had so much explaining to do. Earlier, I didn't want to hear a word she had to say, but when I got home and realized how empty I felt without her, I was ready to listen. And next thing I knew, I was on her doorstep in 40 degree weather, questioning all of my morals. Acacia had a hold on me that I couldn't deny. And I knew she wanted me. I knew she was sorry, but she was going to have to show me. And bust her ass.

I sat on the couch that started this all, looking around at the room. Artwork and albums and lit candles were everywhere, in the most imperfectly perfect spots, and I admired it. But it was a direct representation of Acacia King. On the outside, she had it all together. But I knew the truth. Maybe not all of it, but she was a mess underneath. She just knew how to play it off.

Acacia sat across from me on the couch, keeping her distance. She was crying too. I could tell.

"Honey, where do I begin?" She asked in a sympathetic tone.

"That's for you to decide, Acacia." I looked down at my legs crossed on the cushion. I was cold. The wind was heavy outside, and I could hear it rattling trees.

She paused for a second before leaving the room. I furrowed my eyebrows. I could never tell with her. She returned shortly with the comforter off of her bed and draped it gently around my shoulders before taking the other side for herself.

"I recognize that today has been an absolute shit show. And you deserved none of it."

"No, I didn't."

"Aaliyah, I got a note today, from Matt. In your math class. You were saying, the Monday after the party that... you hope he doesn't remember what happened between us. But he does. He remembers." Her voice was so tranquil and serene that it almost sounded like good news. It took a moment for it all to click in my head.

"You're serious?" I whispered, feeling my ears get hot.

"I wish I wasn't."

She scanned my face and waited for me to react. But I had nothing left to say. What could I say? What could I do? This wasn't my fault.

"And... I have to be honest. I was scared. I still am. I don't want to do anything that would jeopardize your future, and mine. That's why I was being so professional at school. I feel like... now, we can't take any more chances."

"What does he want? Why is he doing this?"

"Aaliyah, he wants me. Ever since I turned him down, he's been watching me. He's been watching you. Matt was suspicious from week one, and he's confronted me a couple times. I've always, always denied it—"

"Except that night," I cut in.

"Except that night." She looked down. "I wish I never would have went. But I wanted to make more friends, so I could stay out of his way, actually... and... it backfired."

I pulled the blanket closer around me, looking more for comfort rather than warmth. This was awful.

"I don't know what to do at this point. I really don't. But, I had to make a decision today that you and I can not and will not exist in that building any longer. Not before school, during study hall, none of it. I just—there was not a chance to tell you, you understand."

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