Chapter 30

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  "Shit, Aaliyah..." Acacia whispered into my ear as my fingers pushed into damn near her soul. Despite what she told me the other day about after-class hook ups, I had to give it to her. It was that skirt suit, her blazer pushing her breasts up a little higher than normal, her pressed hair straight as a bone in that deep red color that matched the lipstick I was smudging as we speak. She asked for it today.

  Acacia clung to me like a baby, trying to stay as quiet as she could. I wanted to taste her again, but she was already pushing the volume when my fingers caressed her from the inside. What was it about today that had the both of us so hot? I kissed her neck and whispered in her ear.

  "You're so wet," I observed. "So fucking tight."

She squeezed herself around me in a rhythmic pattern that let me know she was close. We'd been going at it for a little under ten minutes. It was time.

  "I'm gonna come for you," She whimpered. "Just like that..."

  "Yeah?" I brushed my lips against her ear. "Give it to me."

Something was in the air. I felt I had so much power over her, like we switched positions. I liked it up here, talking dirty, feeling so bold.  I was standing in her patent leather stilettos, loving the way it felt to be the dominant one.

  Acacia held me to the point that I could have suffocated in any other circumstance. I loved it though. I made her feel like this.

Her  voice was high and airy as her body tightened up in a climax. I pushed faster and harder until I felt her relax under me, letting her head fall on my shoulder as she caught her breath. I let her stay that way for a moment before I took my hand away and tasted it for myself. She watched me intensely as I did so. I smiled.

  "We can't do this anymore," She told me, shaking her head. "You're getting way too good."

I bit my lip. "Okay, fine. Stop coming to class looking like that, and I'll be more than happy."

"Seriously. How am I supposed to make it through the rest of the day, huh?"

  "Stop it. It wasn't all that." I folded my arms.

  "Much to contrary, my darling." She furrowed her eyebrows in disagreement. "And you'll see, tonight. Just what I'm talking about."

  "How so?"

  She pulled me closer to her. "Let me explain something to you. My mother, when I was little,  always told me that when somebody hits you, you hit back. Twice as hard."

I licked my lips as she roamed my body with her hands. "You understand what I'm saying?"

Just like that, I was back to feeling 2 feet tall, under her mercy. It didn't last for very long.

Acacia kissed me passionately, inhaling as time passed. "This has really gotta be the last time. I'm so disoriented," She thought aloud. "Who taught you how to do that?"

I laughed. "A good friend of mine."

  "She is a very good friend, indeed." Acacia wiped her lipstick off of my lips. "Tell her she is an absolute master."

  "You're a master," I said back to her, kissing her lips. She laughed and started to fix herself up. We still had about 20 minutes until the end of the period, so I took a seat in her big office chair, kicking my feet up. She gave me a sour glance before getting back to what she was doing. "What are you doing this weekend?"

  "You know what? I've got a potluck to go to." She put more lipstick on.

"Oh, who's is it?"

After Class (Janet and Aaliyah) Where stories live. Discover now