Chaper 19

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The last person I was thinking about was Matt. He never had a chance to come into my room during my free period and try to win me over, which means our lunch date for the day was never technically confirmed. Still, he was in my room at 12:40 on the dot with a brown paper bag, looking particularly pitiful. I faked a smile and invited him in, although I was planning to spend my lunch grading as much as I could and letting my mind wander through tonight's infinite possibilities. I wondered if I was pushing Aaliyah to do something she wasn't ready for, and I wondered how different she and I would both act under the influence. I wondered about the way she slept at night; if it would feel forced or natural for us to lay in the same bed. I wondered if she felt even a fraction of the complete emotional and physical infatuation that I felt for her. There was just no way in hell that she couldn't. It was infectious.

"How has your morning been?" Matt asked me as he took a sandwich from the bag.

"Alright, uneventful. Just happy it's Friday-"

"You have plans?"

"Oh, uh... yeah, I-I do." I started to tug on my ear lobe.

He nodded his head solemnly.

"Oh, Matt! I'm sorry, I totally forgot about your offer--"

"Your mom's house?" He cut in, his mouth partially full with food.


"You had to let the dog out again, I'm guessing? You weren't here 2nd period." His eyes were glued to his hands, a faint whiff of frustration beginning to cloud his being.

"Oh, yes! I'm sorry, I didn't understand at first-"

"Why are you lying to me?"

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I think you heard me." He wouldn't look at me for anything, which made the whole exchange ten times more hostile.

"Yeah I know I did, but I'm not sure what you're talking about." I shook my head profusely.

"Do we really have to do this? I see the way you look at her in the halls, she's here after class 4 times a week, the door is always locked--"

"The door locks on its own when it closes, what are you trying to say, Matt?" I stood to my feet, but he never wavered, still sitting calmly with his sandwich and his eyes glued to his fingers. It was almost scary.

"Don't make me say it aloud, Acacia. We both know what this is. Is that why you won't go out with me? Because of her?"

"Okay, I really don't know what you're insinuating, but I sure as hell will not be wrongly accused in my own classroom, so please leave. And don't come in here to have lunch with me until you have an apology and a good reason for attacking me like this."

"Okay, we can sit here and act like you're innocent, or we can be adults, and-"

"Mr. Hemphill, that is enough. Get out. Now. Please." I pointed to the door. He left with out any further comment or engagement. I shut the door behind him, and for a moment I truly began to believe the clueless, helpless charade that I'd put on. Lying was becoming way too easy.

Who did he think he was, coming in here and interrogating me? How dare he accuse me of something I was guilty of?

He wasn't going to get any power over me, make me paranoid. There was nothing he could prove. We made sure to be careful. No cameras in my room, Aaliyah was always silent, there was no way we could get caught. On top of that, I knew he wouldn't stoop low enough to snitch or get me fired. He liked me. He wanted me here.

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