Chapter 37

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Y'all want some drama tonight? I gotchu then 👌🏾


I woke up to my pager buzzing off the nightstand and falling onto the floor. I was disoriented as all hell; the room was dark, and it wasn't mine to begin with. After a second of rubbing my eyes, I realized I was at Acacia's, but she wasn't here anymore. Immediately the smell of breakfast foods hit my nose. I grabbed my pager off the floor and saw my mama's number flashing the screen.

"Shit," I muttered, searching her room for a clock. It was almost noon. I scrambled out of bed and ran to the bathroom to fix myself up. My hair was still damp in the bun I threw it in last night. I was wearing all of her clothes. I looked down and saw she'd placed a brand new toothbrush for me on the sink, and I did a quick clean up in record time, throwing my own clothes back on. They smelled like weed. This was over before it even started.

I knew I couldn't call her back from Acacia's phone. She wouldn't know it. I had to come up with a decent lie or else my ass was absolute grass.

I ran down the stairs as fast as I could, almost falling, and looking for my keys all over her kitchen. I didn't even notice Acacia in front of the stove, frying eggs and bacon in a pan.

"Woah, woah, stop! Where are you going?"

"I gotta go home. I'm sorry." I finally found them on the half wall separating the kitchen from the living room. I grabbed my jacket off of the chair.

"Why? Slow down. Take a deep breath." She rushed to me and held my wrists.

"My mama just paged. I've been gone all night. I know she called Jaz, and I know she called Pac, and I don't have a good excuse. So I will see you in heaven."

"Shit," she muttered. "Okay, well, call me as soon as you can, okay? I'm so sorry for keeping you out all night."


I made a run for the door, but she grabbed my arm and whipped me back. She kissed me forcefully, holding tight to my cheeks. "Alright, go."

"Bye. Thank you, for this, really. I'm sorry." I backed away and sprinted out the door, cursing myself all the way home.

When I pulled into the driveway, I could see her sitting in the front room, dialing a number. Mine, probably. I had never been so afraid to go into my own house. I went in through the garage, saving me a little time, but as she heard the door opening, I heard her scream my full name.

"Get in here. Right now."

I somberly walked into the front room where she stood in her rollers and robe still, tears streaming her face. My stomach was in complete knots.

"Hey, mama—"

"I have been worried sick about you, do you know that? You must have lost your mind." Her voice was low and quaking, and her eyes pierced mine. I swallowed.

"I'm sorry, I-I fell asleep—"

"Where? And I want the truth. All of it. Do not play with me, Aaliyah."

I looked down. What could I say? I had no idea.

"You got five seconds to tell me something, or else it's not gonna be pretty. I can promise you that."

I started to shake. I needed to sit down.

"I was at a boy's house," I mumbled. I had no idea where I was going to go with this.

"What boy? Speak up. Come here and sit down."

I dragged my feet and sat on the couch slowly. As I passed her, I hoped to God she couldn't smell the blunts from yesterday on me. It was the only thing I could smell.

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