Chapter 8

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I couldn't believe I was here with her like this. My hands were nearly trembling at the thought of actually touching the most sacred part of her. I was never one to go this far, this fast, but everything about the moment felt so pressing. And right. I'd be an absolute fool to turn back now.

Aaliyah wanted me. I'd come to an agreement with myself that if we were to end up in a situation like this, it was because she gave me her utmost consent. Despite the taboo of her being my student, she was still so young. And I could never force myself on her, no matter how attracted I was to her. Which was a good amount. There was a fine line between seduction and a lawsuit. But we'd found that balance all too well, and I was ready to dive face-first into her body, even if only for one night.

The view that stood before me was one I could never get tired of looking at. She was undoubtedly shy, only because it was her first time. But the way she spread her legs apart wide, mixed with the look she had in her eyes, never leaving mine, told me she wasn't afraid to give herself to me. And that just made me want her even more. It was hard to keep my composure, which I could tell is what turned her on in the first place.

But I was ready to feel her, and fill her, and please her.

"I'll start slow for you, okay?" I hiked one of my knees up onto the couch, leaning over Aaliyah's body.

"Okay." Excitement dripped from her voice the same way it dripped from her womanhood. I took my middle finger and drew small circles around her pearl with it to start, and she immediately flinched. I leaned down to kiss her neck tenderly.

"Relax, Aaliyah. I got you." I assured her softly into her skin. Thunder shook my house for the umpteenth time. The timing had never been so perfect for a storm, for a tutor session, for her to be here, for us to want each other in the worst way... the night was heaven-sent.

Her arousal began to coat the tip of my finger as I caressed her skin with extra care to ease her into what I wanted her to feel. She was so wet and inviting, and I couldn't wait to taste it.

"You like that?" I asked as my index finger also began to pleasure her with a vertical motion up and down her entirety. She let out a soft moan.


"Tell me you like it, baby," I growled in her ear before biting it softly.

"I like it," she moaned. I smiled, waterfalls rushing between my thighs. Her voice alone could put me over the edge. I moaned back and put a little more pressure in my touch. She got a little louder, arching her body toward mine.

After a few more moments, I stopped to taste her on my fingers. Aaliyah watched me intensely as she caught her breath. She was so sweet, and I wanted so much more.

"You taste so good," I told her after replacing my hand to her treasure. She closed her eyes and rolled her head to one side, biting her lip. I'd never seen someone so sexy, and so effortless. I knew that everything about her composure was so genuine. It was just how she felt.

Her moans were barely audible squeaks that creeped out from her throat every so often. So she wasn't the type to get too loud. But that could all change in a matter of seconds.

"Do you want me inside of you?" I asked Aaliyah.

"Mhm..." she almost looked like she was blushing. I thought we were way past that.

"You gotta get my fingers wet first," I teased with a sly grin. "Lesson one. You have to taste it."

"O--okay..." She glanced around the room.

I put my caressing hand up to her soft, pink lips. She looked at my fingers as if she were afraid. It was then that I knew that she had so much to learn.

"Come on, it's your own body. Get comfortable with it."

Reluctantly, Aaliyah grabbed a hold of my wrist and finally inserted my index and middle finger into her warm, wet mouth. As she got used to the taste, she sucked more and more, her tongue swirling around them. I watched in pure awe. And that's how I knew she had only ever been with a guy. Her lips were wrapped around my fingers like they were a man's member, but I wasn't complaining.

"Tastes good, right?" I pulled my arm away and kissed her slowly. Her flavor lingered between our lips now. "It only gets better after you come."

With that, I plunged my first two digits deep inside of her, and her body immediately arched off of the couch, her walls squeezing me tight. And tight she was. "Damn..." I trailed as I began the steady back-and forth motions.

"Acacia..." Aaliyah moaned. My body melted from the inside out at the way she said my name. I flashed a bright smile at her and went a little faster. Her breath was hitched in her throat now, gasping with every push and pull of my fingers. I wanted to devour her, but didn't want to come off as too intimidating.

Her eyes glowed in the luster of a lightning bolt as I watched her intensely. I couldn't stop staring. It was the faces she made when I hit her spot, and her hands, gripping the couch cushions, although I wished she was gripping my skin that way. I leaned into her body and kissed her neck lightly, just wanting to hear her moans ring deep in my ear as a climax quickly approached.

"Are you going to come?" I purred.

"Yeah, fuck-" she breathed.

"Come on, baby. Don't hold back."

Aaliyah closed her eyes tightly and became completely silent, followed by a loud whimper. She was clenching herself around my fingers in a steady rhythmic pattern. There was a straight shot between the couch and her back, she was so rigid and arched upright from the orgasm building. My heart was pounding out of my chest.

"Come on, let it out, baby..."

The rain outside pelted my house so hard, I thought it could collapse. It made me want to go even harder. "Shit," she nearly screamed as the orgasm took over her body. She released herself all over my fingers as I decreased my speed and intensity, riding her wave of pleasure all the way out.
Finally, her eyes opened slightly and met mine. The were low and sleepy, drunken with satisfaction. I smiled at her and pulled my fingers from her body, caressing her instead. She was soaked. I couldn't wait to taste it. But not just yet.

Picking up the pace with rubbing her, Aaliyah tried to run away from the sensation. I spread her legs apart and drew quick, little circles around her clitoris. Her body thrashed about for a few moments, then tensed completely like before, only harder. I watched her face contort and her chest heave violently. Again, her voice was silenced by another orgasm, and her eyes were closed shut. It made my womanhood literally ache. Finally, she let out a breath she'd been holding all along and she flinched at my touch when she was finished. I bent down to her core and kissed it once lightly, then met her face again.

I leaned down and kissed her lips tenderly. It seemed she could barely return it. Soft moans still managed to escape her throat while she calmed down. I pulled away to taste my fingers, now completely covered in her juices. Our eyes locked while I sucked on them.

"Acacia," Aaliyah began. I interrupted her with another kiss, shaking my head softly as we separated. I ran my thumb across her bottom lip.

"Don't say anything, okay?" I whispered. "I want to know if you'd be interested in staying the night. It doesn't seem like this is gonna let up. And I really don't think you should be driving out there, am I wrong?"

She nodded her head. As much as I wanted her to sleep in my bed, I thought it would be better to stay separated. I didn't want to get too attached. Not too fast.

I found my lips pressed against hers one last time as my hands roamed her body freely, although mostly fondling her breasts. Her hands rested safely on my waist, but I didn't mind.

"Class dismissed."

How is everybody liking this so far? I can't wait until y'all see what's about to jump off like 😩😩 thanks for reading tho fr and remember to vote for dis jawn 🤙🏾

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