Chapter 53

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I spent the rest of the night in my room, a little less than happy with the way my day turned out. My girl was on a date with a man who was now on my imaginary hit list. My best friends were together and that shit didn't look or feel right to me. My mama and daddy trying to shut me out of something I felt like I should have been a part of. And just like that, I was lonely again. For the first time in a long time, I had no one to talk to. All my options were occupied.

I looked over and saw the unfinished drawing of Acacia that I'd started almost 3 months ago now, and hadn't thought about since. Every chance I could get, I was up under her, and while I loved it, I realized I was neglecting some things that I used to do for me and only me: drawing, poetry, and music. Maybe this night was a sign that I needed to be alone for a while.

I rooted through my bedroom drawer for the rest of a blunt that I'd rolled earlier in the week. My mama hated when I smoked, and I'd always had the courtesy not to do it in the house, but for some reason, I didn't care tonight. I just plugged the space underneath my door up with a towel and blew the smoke out my window, and that was that.

Fifteen minutes later, my mind was running with creative energy that I hadn't had in a while. I realized that there really was a lot I needed to get off my chest, but I just hadn't given myself the opportunity. Once I was high, I didn't much mind being alone anymore. I just turned my music up and tuned anyone out that had been on my mind lately.

It was about 1 in the morning and the half-blunt later when my cellphone rang, and I was putting the finishing touches on my drawing of Acacia. I was happy with it, and I thought about when I would get a chance to give it to her. Coincidentally, it was her on the other end, and then I remembered that she said she would call me after the date. I couldn't wait to hear about how much of a train wreck it was.

"Hey, teach," I said, turning my music down. I could practically hear her roll her eyes through the phone.

"Very funny. What's up?" I heard some rustling, and then it was quiet.

"You, girl. How did it go? You sound tired as hell."

"I am," she groaned. "But it went exactly how I thought it would."

"And... what does that mean?" I spoke slowly, not understanding at all what she meant. I think she forgot that he was only ever my teacher for a year and I hadn't gotten to know him the way she had.

"He was himself. That's all. You're high, aren't you?"

"Yeah, what's new? Do you wanna explain? I just pimped you out to my teacher, but you talking real vague." I lay down in my bed and put the phone on speaker.

"You did not pimp me out. Don't say that," she chuckled. "But I mean... he's just... I don't know. Nothing terrible happened, if that's what you wanna know. The food was excellent. I gotta take you there one day."

I sighed. "What happened at the end of the date? It's 1 in the morning."

"Nothing happened."

"Y'all ain't do nothing after? That's a long time to be sitting up at a restaurant."

"He walked me to my door, kissed my cheek, and that's it. I showered before calling you, if that's what you're asking."

"Which cheek? It's got cooties now."

"Stop playing, Aaliyah."

It really did get under my skin that he had her all to himself the whole night. I knew what he wanted from her. And although I trusted her, just the idea made me wanna run up on him. On the other hand, she didn't sound as miserable as I thought she would, and it made me kind of nervous. She was supposed to hate him, and that's not the vibe I was getting from her right now.

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