Chapter 42

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I sat across from Dakota at a little cafe a ways from my house. She recommended it. She was definitely the artsy type, sort of like me, and I liked it. We had a lot in common. More than both of us probably let on. The more I talked to her, the more I could sense there was another, slightly darker, side to her. It wasn't off-putting, rather, enthralling. I wanted to know what she was hiding. Who she really was. And I got the feeling she was having a similar thought about me, as I sipped my tea and tried to engage her.

Since first period, my day only spiraled completely downward. The bottom line, after everything that happened today, was that Aaliyah and I needed to have a conversation. The note that Matt left me with had me second guessing everything we were getting ourselves into. I didn't know how to go about it anymore, because I felt like he was always watching. I was downright paranoid.

Words could not describe how much I hated giving her the cold shoulder today. But it was just too damn risky. Not to mention the stunt she pulled with Travis this morning. There was just so much to be said and I didn't know when I could get her alone to talk about it. Stakes were higher than ever.

  "You see Matt was back today?" Dakota said before taking a bite of her panini. My stomach fell to the floor.

  "Yeah. He looked okay."

  "He stopped by my classroom, because I guess I forgot my sweater at his house the other night, and something seemed a little... off about him."

  "Off, like what?" I became attentive.

  "Like, Acacia, I think he hit his head pretty damn hard." She stared me dead in the face. "His whole demeanor just seemed so... off-kilter. And I can't really explain it. But I think some damage was done, for sure."

"I talked to him today, too, and I guess he was alright. Now, I don't know, now that you're saying that."

  "I wanna go over there and check on him. I mean seriously, the man just—and I'm not a doctor, they obviously released him from the hospital for the fact that he was better, but..."
  "I don't know. I'm sure he's okay."

I wanted to stop talking about him. It seemed as though the very mention of his name would make him appear here. And, as of right now, I had absolutely nothing to be afraid of. Still, I couldn't help but feel like he was in my head.

  "You wanna go?" She asked me.

  "To his house?" My eyes widened.

  "Yeah, actually he's just down the street. I'll drive."

  "I don't think that's a good idea." I shook my head. "He was at school today. He can't be that bad."

  "Yeah.. you're right."

  "When did you talk to him?"

  "It was right after second period. He said he was leaving early. Maybe he didn't feel well."

  "Maybe." I shrugged, staring into my mug.

  "But speaking of that party... um, did you talk to your friend for me?" A wide smile grew on Dakota's face.



  I sighed. I hadn't given her a second thought. I didn't want to speak to her, not even to hook her up with someone else. Every time we were together, something bad happened. I needed to keep my distance, once and for all.

  "Oh! You know what? I haven't, but—"

  "Will you give her my number for me? And talk me up a little? I usually don't do things like this, but... I don't know. She really infatuated me the other night."

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