Chapter 18

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  I woke up the next morning feeling like I could steal anybody's man, and anybody's bitch.

I was awake before my alarm had a chance to go off, and I knew today was about to be one for the books. I had an outfit good enough for a red carpet. My hair scarf stayed on the entire night. I slept so restfully and I from what I could remember, I had a steamy, sexy dream about a certain woman who'd been driving me insane all week. And I knew it was about to be way more than a dream.

Tonight just could not come fast enough. A little hook up after class could be enough to hold me over, but I wanted it deeper than that. Closer. Intimate. Not so casual.

Until then, I'd be okay with the natural high of being a free woman, no longer tied down by someone who wasn't all about me, who didn't really know me. It was nice. I felt like I had all the time in the world.

After getting ready for school, I came downstairs to my father pulling a suitcase out into the driveway. A big suitcase. My mother was nowhere to be found.

  "Woah, Pops, what's going on? You leaving?" I stopped him.

  "Ah, baby, it's complicated. I'm just going away for a little while." His voice was weary and his face was tired.

  "How long? For what reason? Where's Mama?"

  "Woah, calm down. I don't know how long I'll be gone, but your mother and I aren't getting along so well-"

  "Okay, what else is new? Y'all been like this since I was 12." I folded my arms. He could not be doing what I think he was doing.

  "Yeah, that's the problem. I can't--we can't live like this anymore. I'm not going to sugarcoat it, you're an adult. We're separating."

A bittersweet feeling coated the inside of my body but only portrayed itself as a blank stare on the outside.

  "Shit, for real?"

  "Yeah. And watch your mouth."

  "My bad, it's just that y'all been living like this for so long, I didn't think it was ever gon happen."

  "Neither did I," he sighed, leaning against his car and staring up at the sky. "But that's life. Shit happens."

I squinted. "Aye, how come you can say shit but I can't?"

  "Cause I said so, shit."

  I sucked my teeth and kicked a rock on the ground. My feelings have never been so split down the middle. I was an only child, and our lil family was falling apart. But at the same time I'd longed for some peace for nearly half my life. Maybe now I could have company over without getting embarrassed.

  "So... when Imma see you next?"

  "I don't know, I'll be staying at your Uncle's, so you know where to find me."


  "How've you been, Aaliyah?"

  "Huh?" I looked at him through narrow eyes. He looked genuinely concerned.

  "I know your mother and I have been a little distracted, and I know you don't want to be around us all the time, but how are you? Where have you been staying out all night?"

  "You know I stay at Jazmine's." Something in my stomach churned a little.

  "Oh, yeah. Right."

  "I should probably get to school though." I jingled my keys in my hand.

  "Okay. I'll see you later. You look nice today."

After Class (Janet and Aaliyah) Where stories live. Discover now