Chapter 7

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Being with Acacia like this felt like getting high for my first time. I didn't expect to feel like this, but at the same time, I wasn't really sure what to expect. The more she talked, the more I caved, and I was really trying not to go here with her tonight, in spite of all the shit I was talking before about getting with her. I was nervous out of my mind, and I felt like I was on another planet. But she seemed so comfortable, so ready to do whatever it was we were about to do. Maybe she was too much for me. I wanted her to answer all my questions, and make me feel at ease with all these emotions and sensations inside of me.

One thing was for sure though, I wasn't about to turn back. I wasn't no quitter.

  "All three, huh?" She repeated.


  "It's just your body, telling you what it needs. Like hunger, or thirst, it's craving sexual attention, stimulation, pleasure."

I knew for a fact that the way she was talking is what made this so intense. I could barely get two words out, while she was explaining exactly why I was on fire like this. I wanted to reach out and touch her, to close the narrow gap between our lips, but something told me to wait until she made the first move.


  "Rubbing, touching, caressing, tasting, kissing..."

  "That sounds nice," I breathed, getting lost in fantasies once again as she whispered against my skin. Her lips were all I could think about. 

  "Part of being a woman is all of those things, Aaliyah. More than how you feel on the inside, it's actions. You can do it to yourself, or... or you can have someone else do it for you," Acacia suggested, inching her hand onto my knee.

  "Acacia," I looked down at her hand on my leg.


  "Can you do it? For me? Please?" Now my entire body was shaking. This was the point of no return.

  "If you'd like me to."

I nodded my head slightly, closing my eyes and waiting for the sensation of her lips pressed against mine. She pulled my chin closer to her face, barely kissing me to start, but went deeper with time. So deep. Something inside of me began to make it all feel so urgent, forcing me to want more and more than just her lips. I thought I'd be satisfied after one taste, but as her tongue slowly explored my mouth, her hand safely resting on my knee, it became clear that she needed to stimulate my entirety, just the way she described earlier. It was pressing, nearly painful.

  Acacia pulled away slowly, hanging onto my bottom lip as we separated. It wasn't a lot of space, by any means; our foreheads still touched slightly, but right now, it felt like worlds between us. 

  "How's that?" She whispered. I sighed softly. Another lightning strike lit up the room, followed by the thunder.

  "I want more," I said as she moved some hair from my face. She kissed me again, now beginning to move her hands around my body. They were so warm, so inviting.They never stayed in one spot for too long, and never once made it between my legs where the fire was growing the hottest. Every place she touched seemed to leave a slight tingle on my skin. I couldn't imagine how it would feel to have her fingers inside of me.

  "Your body language is telling me that you wanna be touched... elsewhere." Acacia looked down at my legs: now no longer crossed, but spread open and straddling the bench. I didn't even remember changing positions. She was inside my mind.

  I nodded my head, following her gaze to the zipper on my pants. Then we locked eyes simultaneously, reading each other. I saw that she wanted to go further, but I felt like she could see so much more in me. I felt vulnerable.

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