Chapter 50

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I was numb and confused and satisfied but angry all at the same time. Acacia was beside me, fast asleep with her arm draped possessively around my bare waist. All I could think was,

Who is Acacia Lee King?

Red curls covered her face like a veil and I couldn't even watch her sleep without something blocking her out and getting in the way of me seeing her true self. That's how she always was. A mile-high wall in between us stood tall and true at all times, no matter what the situation was. I figured I'd understand in time what she was all about, but this was here to stay. I wondered who really knew her. There had to be at least one person in this world that could get through. It wasn't me. I wondered if it ever would be me, and if this would work out if it never was me.

It was just so frustrating to watch her fight herself inside, her conscience tugging her in one direction to let me in, and then the other direction to keep me at arms length. We'd get so close and then she'd get pulled the other way. Well, it was starting to really bother me.

Today, Acacia fucked me like she hated me.

She showed no mercy and her body felt cold against mine, and yet she might as well have tattooed 'I love Aaliyah' on her forehead with the way she looked at me with such a fire in her eyes. Why did it feel so good to be damn near taken advantage of? Why did I let her have me so easily, when I had no clue what had set her off in the first place? Why didn't she want to talk? Why was harsh, heartless sex her next line of defense?

I had never come so hard in my life. My legs had never been so weak, and I so sore. This was really different. She just wouldn't stop, no matter how much I begged. The way she put me in my place had me ready to marry her, but at the same time I wished I had an explanation for all of her aggression and it made me afraid. She was usually so gentle with me. And I usually hated to be told what to do. I had no idea why it was all okay at that moment. Because right now, after the fact, it really wasn't. I was not okay.

I would guess that thirty minutes passed of me thinking so hard about what had just transpired when Acacia's arm tightened around me with a deep inhale. I felt lips brush my shoulder, and then her whole face nuzzle into my neck as she pulled me closer to her body, which ironically, felt much warmer than before. I just let her hold me and decided not to speak first. She did feel good so close to me now. This is what I was used to. She nipped playfully at my skin before kissing it slowly. Her body shifted behind me, entangling our legs together before her hand reached up and squeezed my breast. I hated how good it felt to be touched by her right now. We needed to talk.

  "Are you awake?" She whispered. I got chills, which made her chuckle heartily into my neck. Her sultry, sleepy laughter only intensified the goosebumps. "Mm... now you are, huh?"

  "Hi," I choked. I didn't know what to say. She seemed in such good spirits.

  "Hi, baby," she mumbled, kissing me again. Her hand started to knead at my breast, which made me sigh. Never, in all this time, had her touch electrified me like this when I needed to focus. I didn't want her to stop at all. "Can I see your face, maybe?" She requested politely.

  "Yeah." I felt her move away from me, and I immediately felt cold. The covers were all disheveled and pushed to the very foot of her king sized bed, which had never felt bigger than it did right now. I turned around and was met with a tiny smile tugging the corners of her lips, now swollen from her slumber.

  "Hi... again." She reached out and ran her hand gently down my face. I almost flinched, but caught myself. I bit my lip instead and scooted closer to her half-naked frame. For whatever reason, she wouldn't allow me to return any of the sexual favors or really even touch her while we were intimate earlier. Meanwhile, I knew my body was covered in dark bruises and maybe even a few reddened hand prints. I was happy to show some affection toward her now. I didn't feel so much like an object.

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