Chapter 55

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This is so weird and ironic but I been MIA because my fam actually did get a husky/pit bull puppy in real life 😭 that's her in the mm. She's only 9 weeks so I am literally raising a baby now lmao but it's crazy how the world works. Like I manifested that shit fr.


I woke up to a paw pressed gently into my forehead when it was still dark outside. Cairo slept in the bed with us, but he didn't stay at the foot where Acacia put him. Every hour, it seemed he got a little closer until suddenly I felt his fur tickling my nose. I sat up in the bed and tried to move him, but he whimpered, which caused Acacia to stir.

"What's wrong?" She groaned.

"That wasn't me," I chuckled, stretching out my limbs and scooting away so he could have more space. He was sprawled out on his back now, all four of his little legs sticking straight up in the air. "That was Cairo." I looked at her clock. It read 3:37. I sighed because I knew it would be hard to fall back to sleep. A blunt would have done the trick, but I didn't think I had my stash on me.

"Where are you going?" Acacia called. She sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes like a child, complete with her hair wild all over her head. I chuckled. She looked cute.

"Nowhere, baby."

"Come back to bed, then."

"I believe my spot has been taken." I pointed at Cairo. She shook her head. "Don't move him. It's okay. I'll just... go in the guest room."

"No," she whined. "Don't make me sleep alone."

"He's right there. And I'm not tired anymore."

After the tense argument we'd had earlier in the night, I actually did fall asleep, and to my knowledge, it wasn't any later than 9. My schedule was all out of wack.

I hated going to bed mad, and I wasn't really, but I knew we weren't exactly on the greatest of terms. It was partially my fault for assuming the worst about Acacia and Mr. Hemphill. There was just something about him that didn't sit right with me, and never would. Most of me trusted that she wouldn't betray me again, yet another piece of me just didn't want to rule it out all the way because of the past experiences I've had. I knew I had trust issues. But there wasn't a doubt in my mind about what his intentions were. He wanted her, and he made it very clear. Anyone could see that.

I went into Acacia's closet for something more suitable to lounge in, since I'd fallen asleep in a crop top and no pants. I settled on some leggings and a big t shirt.
When I returned, she'd turned on the lamp and was staring blankly into space.

"What happened?" I asked. She snapped out of the trance she was in and looked at me with a weary smile.


"Acacia, I'm sorry about earlier. You didn't—"

"It's... it's fine. I get where you're coming from. I told you that. Come here."

I came and sat on her side of the bed. Without another word, she kissed me softly and innocently. "I know this is such a crazy circumstance that we're in. It's hard for me, too. I hate that you have to sit back and watch me do all of this. But unless we can come up with another way to clear our names, I have to. And I'm doing it because I want you that badly. No other reason."


"So I'm gonna ask you again. Do you trust me, Aaliyah Dana Haughton?"

I sighed. "Yes."

"Are you sure? Be real."

I nodded. "I'm sure. I just gotta... I gotta wrap my mind around it still, I guess."

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