Chapter 34

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"What's up with you and Ms. King, Aaliyah?" Jazmine asked me. "And don't try to lie, cause I know exactly when you lying."

  My body was hot with nerves. There was no way around this at all.  I tucked one leg underneath me and began fidgeting with my fingers. "What do you wanna know?"

  "She like you, don't she?"

  I nodded subtly. "Yeah."

  "And you been over her crib?"



  "Stop beating around the bush, Jaz. Whatchu want from me?" This was too painful. All I could think about was the fact that I wasn't supposed to be telling anyone. But I couldn't hide from Jazmine. At all. From now until, I'd be living with this guilt that someone else knew about her and me. And that was one person too many in my opinion.

  "I want you to tell me what's going on!"

  "Bruh, I really ain't gotta tell you shit. If I'm being honest."

She twisted her face up. "What?"

  "Why you need to know about me and her? It's not your business. That's all I'm tryna say."

  "Because? We supposed to be tight like that. I don't keep shit from you, A. I always tell you bout my niggas."

  "She not just another nigga, Jazmine. You missed that part."

  "Then say that! Shit, I don't know—"

  "Look. Imma say this and be done. And you better keep you mouth shut about all of this. Don't tell Pac, don't tell none of them snake ass bitches in our class, don't tell your brother, no body. And I'm dead serious. You understand?"

  "Yeah. Just tell me."

I stared at her for a moment longer. I had to know she wouldn't. "Aaliyah, I swear to God! Just tell me."

  "Okay. Me and Acacia, we hang out... outside of school sometimes."

  "Y'all just talking?"

  "Nah, Jaz. It's kind of deeper now."

  "She your girl?!" She grabbed my thigh.

  "Shut your ass up!"

  "I'm sorry! I just—how in the hell—"

  "Don't worry bout the how. Just know that I got her now. And if somebody at the school snitch and people find out, it's a wrap. She gon lose her job, go to jail, all that shit. So when I tell you you can't tell nobody bout it, Jazmine, I'm deadass."

  "I won't. But I got questions!"

  "What, Jaz?" I said wearily. I hated this so much. Talking about her like this. It made me want to go see her. But I knew she had other things planned tonight.

  "So... you fuck her?"

I put my head in my hands. "Don't... shit sound so tacky. Did I fuck her. Nah. We take care of our business."
  "What the hell does that mean?" She twisted her face up. "She making you all soft, or sum. Ian never heard you talk about no bitch like that."

  "Bitch? Jaz, no. Don't talk about her like that. She not just another bitch, okay. And just what the hell I said! Are we done?" I couldn't do this anymore. Even if it was Jazmine. I didn't want to let anybody into what her and I had going on. It was going too well.

  "Woah, woah. Okay, damn."

  "Alright. I think I need to go." I stood up.

  "I ain't mean to-"

After Class (Janet and Aaliyah) Where stories live. Discover now