Chapter 46

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Quickly, for anyone confused, Acacia's name is pronounced uh-KAY-shuh. Don't ask me where I got that from 😂 I like it though.


The ride to the hospital seemed endless, but when I finally made it, I saw Acacia sitting on the curb, waiting for me. Why didn't she wait inside? I didn't like her out here by herself like that. I pulled up next to a shiny black car and got out. She saw me and stood to her feet immediately, and I just rushed to her and grabbed her arms. She looked exhausted, but okay.

"Baby, what's wrong? Why are you here?"

"Can I tell you later? I'm so tired." She tried to barter with me. But I'd been coming up with ideas in my head for an hour by now. I needed the truth.

"I wanna know now, Acacia," I countered.

"Come on. It's freezing out here. I'll drive." She brushed past me to my side of the car. I stood motionless for a moment before I turned for the passenger's seat. She was a puzzle.

"Do you remember the first time you stayed the night?" She began as we made it out of the parking lot.

"Yeah, why?" I turned the radio down to have complete silence.

"I told you about my ex... Khori? Do you remember that?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Barely, But—"

"She told me she had breast cancer. She has breast cancer, and nobody cared." I saw her wipe her eyes. Instinctively, I put my hand on her leg. Who was this person?

"I don't understand, Acacia." I shook my head. None of this was making much sense. In no time we were arriving at this huge house. I saw Acacia's car parked on its driveway.

"I have to run in here and get my jacket," she sniffled. And then I can meet you back at home to tell you the rest." She started to get out of the car, and I grabbed her. I needed more than this.

"Acacia. Stop, please? Just—two minutes." I tried to keep my cool, but this was really starting to frazzle me. "Look at me, baby."

She turned to face me, and in the night, I couldn't see much. "Where are we?" I started slowly, being sure not to bombard her with too many questions.

"This is... this is Khori's house. Just let me grab my coat, Okay? I'll be right back."

"Please come right back." I put my forehead in my hands. I heard her door open, and I took that opportunity to crawl over to the other side. I was ready to bang my head against the steering wheel repeatedly. That woman was just so full of surprises.

In seconds, she was jogging back to my car, but stopped short at my window and told me to roll it down. "Just follow me out of here, okay?"

I pushed my hands against the wheel, releasing some tension in my shoulder blades as they stretched back into my seat. "Alright." I kept my eyes straight ahead.

"Okay. I'll see you at home."

She ran back to her car and I waited for her
to pull up in front of me. I suddenly couldn't be in this car, driving, any longer. I needed to sit. I needed to think. And I needed straight answers.

In about a half an hour, we were back in the neighborhood. I parked on the curb and jumped out. She headed inside and left the front door open for me.

"Alright, talk." I was sick of this now. She mulled around the kitchen, removing her shoes, putting up a stray plate, doing anything but addressing the issue. I ran after her, and touched her shoulder gently. She turned around and looked at me with soft, pained eyes. "Please."

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