Chapter 48

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Don't nobody say shit about how I was gone this long lol I'm just tryna get this degree


  "Baby, hey..." Acacia's soft voice penetrated my dreamless slumber.  "We should get up. It's almost noon." I felt hands come around my naked body as she pulled herself closer into me. I could wake up this way every morning.

  "Can I get fifteen minutes?" I mumbled, turning around to snuggle into her chest. I let out a content sigh as I closed my eyes. She squeezed me.

  "Somebody would swear you worked the graveyard shift. You know that?" Acacia chuckled.

  "That's okay. Shh."

  "I was hoping we could go to Louie's today," she whispered.

  I took a deep breath. I guess I wouldn't be getting that fifteen minutes. I shifted and tried to sit up in bed. Acacia pushed me down onto my side and faced me with a soft smile. "Good morning." I bit my lip. There was just no reason for her to be this sexy, especially immediately after waking up.

  "Good morning, Acacia."

"I want to go freshen up, and then come back, and..."

  "And... What?" I grinned.

"Well, let's just go and shower." She rolled out of bed and stretched. I did the same before grabbing my overnight bag and heading into the guest room. As I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I noticed dark bruises scattered along the side of my neck. I brushed my fingers across them with a sigh, remembering the whirlwind that was last night.

I thought about the way Acacia seemed so unlike herself, and wondered how she was feeling today. She definitely seemed in better spirits, but I knew that was really no indicator. She was good at hiding her true feelings, and more specifically, her worries. I thought about the way she cried, how vulnerable she looked. I wondered if her friend had made a decision.

But I didn't want to ask. If she really was feeling better about the situation than last night, I didn't want to open a healing wound. But God, was I curious.

As I straightened my hair in the bathroom mirror, I saw Acacia approaching me in the reflection. I immediately smiled, getting a whiff of her freshly-washed hair that smelled like coconut. She had on a pair of black jeans and a university sweatshirt that she cut into a crop top. She looked so refreshed.

  "Ooh, can I?" She reached out for my flat iron. "I wanna do it."

  "Well, before all that, let me do this." I set it down and pulled her by the wrist against my body.  Acacia let her hands crawl up my shirt and squeeze my waist as she bit her lip.

  "I just knew there was something I was forgetting," she said. I smiled and leaned my forehead against hers. Our lips met slowly and gently in the middle, and as she held me tighter, a groan escaped my throat. I leaned further back against the bathroom counter while she continued with soft, quiet kisses.

  "Mm, okay. Okay..." she tried to manage as I continued pecking her lips. I didn't want it to end. I knew she didn't either.

  "What's the matter?" I mumbled, guiding her back into the  bedroom and sitting her down on the edge of the mattress. It made her laugh as I climbed on top of her and kept on.

  "Aaliyah, do not start. I'm serious." She tried to put a little bass in her voice. I giggled, taking a pause to look her in her eyes. I ran my fingers through her damp hair, scrunching it up in my fists. "You don't have to look at me like that either," Acacia mumbled. I took a deep breath and stood up, holding my hand out for her to take.

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