Chapter 2

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Today was a reular day of school.

The usual bitcheness of Harry Styles.

I sighed, walking down the hallway to ny locker, thankfully it was the last class of the day.

I smile on my face apeared when i saw my friends by my locker.

Niall was leaning against the wall, eating a sandwich. Eleanor talking to Him.

I walked to them.

"Hello!" I said.

"Louis!" El said, hugging me.

El was my bestfriend, we went out one time, but realized that we didnt like each other that way. Only as friends, but after that we have become really close. I love her, she is the best.

I hugged her back.

I laughed at Niall, seeing his face stuffed with food,

"Calm down mate, gunna get a tummy ache!" I said.

He shrugged, and grabbed another bag of chips from his bag.

I shook my head, this boy could eat, eat, eat! And never get fat! I hated him for that!

I took my books from my locker, thinking of the class i got next period. Then realized .... I had class with Harry. Great.

And you know what even better?

We sit right next to each other!

Isint that fucking great?! Note my sarcasm.

I shook my head, letting my anger go.

I turn towards me friends,

"You guys going to the holiday ball, saturday?" I asked

"Yes!! I got the perfect dress!" El said, looking all happy.

I smiled and nodded. I turned to Niall.

"What about you mate?"

"Yes.... My parents are making me go" he said sadly.

I laughed,

The Holiday Ball, was a dance where rich Families got together and celebrated the holidays.

There was always famous people there, but not people we know. Like old famous people, and there was also paparazzi there. Taking pictures of the families.

My parents always go there, to get more fame. Since their company is now Big, their trying to make it even Bigger by going to every event and promoting them selfs. I just tag along for support. Nialls family also comes for the same reason. Im glad hes always there,so i dont get bored to death

The school bell rang, signaling us to head to class. I huged El goodbye and Niall and I headed to class.

"Niall, i dont want to go Class!" I whined, stomping my feet like a child.

"Sorry mate, you gotta go! Dont fogert about your grades! Want to college, you gotta do well in school!" He said, sounding like me father.

I whined, im trying my best to get into a good college, but i cant do that if i dont have good grades.

We reached Nialls class, "see yah later mate!" He said waving,

"Wait for me by my car, yeh?" I said.

He nodded, before going in.

I walked down the hallway, not wanted to go to class.

I said Hi to few People on the way, every one in this school pretty much knew me.

Love or Hate? *Larry Stylinson* (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now