Chapter 6

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Update!!! I tried my best and hopefully you like this!! I feel like this is a crappy chapter -.-

Ehhh Whatever..... Hope yah like it!!


If yah do.... i will update faster!! :)


 Ok...So hope you like this chapter.... and be Greatful cause i took time wrtting this!! and its somewhat long! lol  

idk...... Here is Chap. 6!


 Harry and I got out of the car.

I walked over to stand in front of the car, Harry came to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I quickly tensed up, not expecting this.

"Ha-Harry,What are you doing?" i asked, my body was turning into jelly from his touch

"Gotta act like a fucking happy couple don’t we?" he said, in to my ear.

I relaxed, as his lips bushed my ear when he spoke.

I don’t know where these feeling were coming from,but i seem to be enjoying them

"Now, smile and look happy! Pretend I’m saying something sweet in your ear" he said, once again on my ear.

I slowly nodded, and a smile appeared on my face.

i couldnt help but get uncomfortable when people's eyes were on us. Whispering to one another, about us.

I tensed up, when i heard someone said mean stuff about us.

"Ignore them!" Harry said,

He kissed me on my cheek, before grabbing my hand and leading me to the school doors,

My cheeks were probaly birght red, from the kiss.

I was confused, why am i feeling like this? I should be hating this, not enjoying it!

Harry walked to the doors, me right behind him.

He held his head up high, ignoring the whispers going aroung.

I should too be strong like Harry, but im not used to this. The words hurt.

We walked in, more people looking at us. Questioning if this was true or not.

I followed Harry, where ever he was taking me.

More and more whisperes were bieng said, i couldnt take it anymore!

We stopped by me locker, i nervously did my combination, one time... Two times... Three time..... My locker wouldn’t open.

This was completely embarrassing. 

I layed my head on the lockers, breathing slowly.

I cant do this, i cant take all the pressure with people watching us. This is how its gunna be everyday!

Tears were rolling down me face. I quickly wiped them away.

I noticed Harry looking me, with a worried expresion. What is he worried about? Oh yeah... His fucking reputation.

I looked up to meet his eyes,"I--I can't do this" I said, slowly.

"Come on!" He said, taking my hand one more time and leading me through the hallways,

We went down a hallway i never seen and trough a door. Reavealing stairs to the roof.

"Uh... Harry?" I said

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