Chapter 17

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 Harry POV**

I was now driving back home, from my dad's office. He called, telling me to go pick something up for him at the office.  I rolled my eyes, why couldn't he call one of his secretary? I'm his son, not his servant. He made me leave Louis at school with no ride! But thankfully Niall was still there and gave My Louis a ride. Wait? DId i just say MY Louis?

 I blushed at the thought. "My Louis" i whispered.

 It was awfully dark out, and i had this strange feeling in me, as if something bad has happened. I shrugged it off, must be that burrito i had for lunch, it was good, but too much can be bad.I chuckled, as i continued driving, getting closer to my house.

Once i reached the large house, i got out taking whatever was in the box i picked up, inside with me.

As i walked up the driveway, i turned around, to lock my car, hearing the small beep, i continued walking. I'm guessing, the butler heard me walking up, as he opened the door, and helped me in, taking the box.

"Thanks George, Please take  this to my Father's office" i told him, Nodding George left with the box.

I ruffled my curls, then reached down to grab my phone in my pocket, checking if Louis had called or texted, I looked at the mobile, nothing. He told me he would text me later, i'm guessing he forgot.

I frowned, i was really hoping to hear from him.

I sighed, and walked upstairs, deciding to freshen up, before going to bed.

After i quickly showered, i layed in my bed, looking at my mobile, waiting for Louis.

"You Fool, you're here waiting like a teenage girl, waiting for her crush to call. Louis must have forgotten to call you, or he doesn't want to call you. You being all sweet this morning must have scared him off! You see what you do!" I talked to myself, rubbing my face, and groaning. 

Whatever, I'm tired, I going to sleep.

it made me sad, that Louis did not call me.  Why?

I stood up, and made my bed, placing all the extra pillow that i don't need on the floor. I asked my Mum why we have all these random pillows in the beds, but never use them, she just laughs at me, and tells me they are just for decoration. The maids get mad at me, because i throw them on the floor, i just tell them to not put them on my bed, but they always end up putting them back. It annoys me.

As i was washing my teeth, my phone rang. Rapidly, washing my mouth, and spitting the toothpaste on the sink, i ran to the bed, and picked up my phone. I was hoping it was Louis, calling me. But instead it was a private number.

I looked at it funny, deciding if i should picked it up or not. I decided not too, and ignored the call.

A few minutes after it rang again, and it displayed a private number, i sighed, whatever. I'll answer it.

"Hello?" i said, into the small mobile.

"Finally You answer!" A annoying female voice rand thought my ear. 


"God Dammit Taylor! Leave me the fucking alone! " i yelled into the speaker.

"Why? This Fun, watching you get angry, You look sexy when you get angry" She said.

I rolled my eyes, "taylor, we are through, i made it pretty clear that night we met, i told you i wanted none of it! We are over! Why can't you get that through your pretty little thick head? We-Are-Through! Over! Nothing! Nada!" i said, to her, getting angry.

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