Chapter 19

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Omg...i'm so sorry for not updating, i went on holiday with my family, and i had not time to write! But i'm back now! Miss me? Haha, Enjoy this short chapter, sorry...i promised the next one to be long! Yeh? :) x


I drove down the road, getting closer to the small park, Checking my phone constantly, for new messages from taylor, but she hasnt text since she called. I was getting more and more worried each  minute, thinking about Louis and if he was ok.

Taylor is going to pay for this. 

I parked, in the park's lot, and got out, noticing other cars also here.

Niall, Zayn, Eleanor, and Liam, all were standing by a table, talking.

They saw me walking towards them, and El, quickly came running to me. 

"Harry! What happened to Louis? Where is he?" She looked upset, in the brink of tears.

I sighed, and shook my head, "I'll explain in a moment."

"How could you let him out of your sight? You were supposed to care for him! Why did you let Taylor take him?!" She was now angry, and coming to me.

"Lou told me you had change, but i don't belive him! You still selfish, and only care about your self! Why did you let your fucking ex-girlfriend take him?" She was coming to me again, i got ready for her to slap me once again. But Zayn, stooped her, wrapping his arms around her, "El, PLease Calm donw, let Harry talk, I'm sure there is an explanation to all of this.", he said, giving me a look. 

El, glared at me, and sighed. nodding as she and Zayn went to stand away from me. 

I sighed loudly, closing my eyes.

Looking up at them, i walked slowly to the table, placing the papers i had printed at home, on the table, and arranging them.

"Ok, So Taylor thinks we are still together, but i made it pretty clear we aren't, and she is now angry, and she plans to take revenge on me, by kidnapping Louis, and making him suffer. She called, and threaten to hurt him, i heard Louis in the background, yelling about some warehouse, and then taylor hit him, i could hear him cry in pain, it broke my heart to hear him, this is all my fault, and i need your help, Please, we need Louis back, i need Luis back.", my voice braking as i said his name, chocking back tears. 

They all looked at me, blank expression on their faces.

"So you really do care for Louis don't you? Louis is my best friend, and i would do anything to keep him safe. But how could you not listen to Taylor? She texted you? She called you? She fucking warned you .. you Idiot! You didn't think she was actually serious?" Niall, slammed his fists on the table, clearly angry as his irish accent was thicker than usual, his dark blue eyes on mine.

"I- i do care for Louis, more than you think, I thought that taylor was nothing, that she wasn't capable of doing anything..." My voice shook as i spoke, "But as you see i was wrong, and i...we ... need to find Louis, he could be in danger, taylor is crazy. ...We need to find him"

Niall sighed, his eyes softening to see Liam behind hime, placing his hand on his back, nodding he leaned backed. 

"Of course! We got to find him!" El said, huffing. 

"Yeah Mate, we may not know Louis that well, but he still our friend, and you care for him, so we will help you." Zayn said, sitting down on the table's bench, with Eleanor.

Niall nodded, and also sat.

"Yeah, like i said, i would also help, Geez, i always got to help clean up your messes huh Harry?" Liam, said, smirking, and shaking his head.

"Thanks Guys" i sighed. 

"So, any clue where we could find Louis?" Niall asked, not angry with me anymore. 

I nodded, showing them the papers.

"These are the warehouses in the area. Like i said, Louis yelled out that he was being held captive in a warehouse. We need to split up and search them all, we don't got much time, Saturday is the Ball, and if our parents find out Louis is missing, I'll be the one to blame."

"Ok, so There are ten houses, we need to split them up. El and Zayn, you take three of the houses, Niall and Liam, you take the other three, and I will the four remaining. We will search them, and keep in touch if we find Louis or Taylor. Got it? Please, all of you be careful, we don't know what Taylor is capable of. We will find Louis!"

They all nodded, and stood up, taking their papers.

"Be careful Harry." They all said, i nodded at them telling them the same. Eleanor apologized and gave me a hug, tears and her eyes, telling me to find Louis. I nodded at her, and told i would try.

We all said good bye as we got into our cars, and drove away. We all took different roads, splitting up, in search for Louis.

I sighed, as i made a turn, i got to find him, no matter what, i promised to protect him, and i will.

I looked at my list, and view the first house i would be looking. It was by the river, away from town. I took a deep breath, and sped away. 


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