Chapter 24

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Harry groaned in pain, as he struggled to open his eyes. His head moved from side to side, limp. His eyes needed to open, Louis was in trouble. Louis was hurt.  

Louis layed across from Harry, curled up, trying to keep the pain in his abdomen mild. Taylor had kicked him hard, hard enough for his rib to be possibly broken. The pain brought years to his eyes. He looked over to Harry, he looked at him as he squirmed. As he struggled to fight the unconscious feeling.  

"Harry" Louis said, his weak voice crack, as tears ran down his cheeks. He whimpered, as he slowly tried to crawl over to Harry.   

This shouldn't be happening. Harry had just confessed his love for him. Harry loves him. And that night,. He knew that kiss was familiar, so familiar, as it had happened once before. He couldn't believe he had forgotten that night. That night which seem so special. Why did he had to go on and get drunk?  He could have remembered that night, with Harry. But him, just confessing his love for him, it made him so happy, so damn happy that all his worries left him. He wasn't scared anymore, he wasn't scared of being rejected, of being told he wasn't loved.  He had fallen for Taylor's lies, and he is ashamed, that he believed her words, over Harry's. 

Slowly, he crawled over to harry, Trying to keep his balance as he slowly crawled. He looked up to Harry, and sighed. They had to get out, time was ticking.

"Harry, Wake up!" Louis whispered, as he was getting closer to him, "Harry, Please!"  

Harry moved, moaning, as he heard Louis' voice. He had to get up.


 Louis turned around, and saw the timer. They need to get out of here. Two minutes have passed since taylor has left, Only 13 minutes left, they need to get out of here, and Fast!   He moved closer to Harry, landing on him, as he tried to wake him "Harry!" He hissed.

 "Harry! Please! Wake Up! I need you! We need to get out of here, Or we will both die!" He voice shook, he was scared, scared fro his life, scared for Harry, scared for the both of them. 

 "Louis" Harry mumbled, his eyes slowly fluttered open, his vision focusing on Louis.

"Yes! harry! That is it Love! Wake up! I'm here! Please wake up"

Harry slowly got his conscious back, he was now aware of what just had happened and what they were in. 

"Louis! We need to get out!" He said, his voice weak. Both boys were weak, tired, and hurt. The was no way that both of them would get out safely in their condition. They couldn't move fast enough.  

Harry groaned, knowing that they were both hurt.   Harry Sat up, and turned to Louis.   "Louis Look at me" he said, as he turned to him "Look at me, Louis'  

Louis looked up to him, his blue orbs, connecting with those green emeralds he loves so much. Harry saw the pain in his eyes, Louis could collapse any minute now. 

"I know you are hurt, Love, But you gotta stay strong. We need to get out of here, Fast. Please, stay with me, Stay withe me Louis, Look at me in the eyes."

Louis sighed, the pain in his body was taking over him, but he knew he had to stay strong , for Harry, for his life. Louis nodded, and looked at Harry

"Stay with me, I promise I will get us out of her, Just stay with me for while longer Alright?" Harry spoke to him, making sure he understood, every word he said.

Louis nodded, Harry smiled at him and crashed his lips with his, He quickly pulled back.  

"Alright, turn around, let me untie you."he said, Louis turned his back to him, Harry copied him, Both boys were now back to back, as harry reached down, and tried to look for the knot. Once he had his hand on it, he pulled, and pulled, making them loose. Hoping to untie Louis.  

As he was busy untying him, the timer rang again, signaling the amount of time there was left until it all ended.   Harry looked at it, and frowned, moving his hands faster. He sighed, when he felt the ropes become loose, Louis became free of them, unwrapping his hands from the ropes

"Alright, Love. Hurry up now, Untie me" Harry told him as Louis nodded, and bent down to untie his legs.

Louis winced as he bent down to his feet, he tried to be fast, but the pain was unbearable. He couldn't take it anymore.   He cried out, "harry Its Hurts!"

Harry turned to him, he was clutching his stomach, Harry looked at him, worry rushed through him.  



The damn time rang again, making Harry turn and look at it, time was running out, they need to get out, or..or...

"Harry!" Louis cried out again.

"I know, Love, I know. But please you can do this, just come here untie me, i promise to get you out of here as fast as i can, Babe. Please, hold on. It will soon be over"

Louis stood up, flinching as he felt the pain.  

He crawled over to harry, on arm around his abdomen, and another on the ground as he crawled. he came closed to Harry, and quickly untied him. his hands shaking from the pain, his eyes filled his tears. He set Harry free.   As Harry continued to untie himself, Louis couldn't take it anymore, He fell to the ground, his eyes closing, blocking every sound, every ray of light, everything.

The beeping sound of the timer was fading out. his eyes were closing , His mind shutting off. Falling into complete unconsciousness world.  

The last thing he was was Harry knelt beside him, yelling at him. he saw how his mouth moved, how his expression changed as he talked, but he heard nothing, His mind was becoming fuzzy, everything was just a blur. Finally his eyes were closed, and he was suckedinto unconsciousness.


  Harry sighed as he felt the ropes loosen up, he could now move his hands, and slipped them out.    "Yes, Louis, you did it. A little while now Love, Hold one a little while longer, I will get out. I promise this will be over soon." he said, to Louis.

He knelt down to untie his feet, once he was done, He smiled and turned to Louis. He gasped as he saw him, on the floor, laying, his eyes full of pain, slowly closing.  

Harry shooked his head, "No! Louis, Babe, Love, wake up now. I need you, Not yet, please hold on a little while longer. I'll get you out. Come on!" Harry said, as a mix of emotions hit him. From panic, to anger, to sadness, to worry. Tears were forming, threatening to escape.

The time rang again, warning them, time was running out, fast. The shouldn't be here, they need it to get out.  

Harry sighed, and looked down to his lover, laying unconscious on the floor of a warehouse, where he was held captive, Because of him, It's his fault for putting Louis in danger. His.

But he isn't going to let Louis die! No! he would never let that happen! he made a promise to keep Louis safe, to protect him, and he Will keep that promise! He will get him out.

He knelt down, The timer ticking now, time slipping away, He picked up Louis, his limp body in his arms, as he struggled to keep himself up, to keep his balance. If they fall, it will be over.  

Harry groaned, as he made his feet move, and get him out. He looked over to the timer one last time, 20 seconds left to go.

He sighed, and walked a bit faster, down the long corridor, as he reached the front doors, he looked down to Lous. and smiled at him. Louis unconscious, his limp body on his arms, his head hanging.

Harry leaned down, and kissed his lips.

  "I love You, Louis" He whispered.           

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