Chapter 11

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Listen Up!! Sorry for bieng such a shitty updatetor person...thing...idk -__- But chapters WILL be up..... im just lazy. Sorry? haha...anyways.... PLEASE COMMENT, VOTE, and Fan..... Tell Me You Care...So i can be Happy and write lots of new chapters fo yall! :)

Enjoy! I tried me best! Hopefully you like it......and i might be editing my other chapters cause i feel like they are shitty...idk....... But anywhore..... Enjoy!!

Louis POV**

It has been a few minutes since we came home, and i said goodbye to El and Nialler as the drove off in their cars. Im now laying on my bed with a big smile on my face.

What a night!

I smiled as i remembered the dinner. How Harry reached up, and touched my lips. and how we shared our dessert.

Remeber how i told you that i think i was falling for him? Well... I have Fell! and hit the floor. Hard!

I........ Louis William ..... wait for it...... is L-O-V-E with....... Harry Styles!.


I been trying to see what the feelings i been having, and tonight, during dinner... i realized it.

I LOVE Him.....its if I had these feelings already...but I hid them away and covered them with Hate.

But the weird thing is...... it feels like this has happend before....the Deja Vu.

Like this is not the first time I felt this ......weird.


I CANT Love him. Why? because he wont like me back..... I know he's Bi...since he has pretty much fucked each and every person at school..... except for you know El, Niall and Me...

Cause we hated each other....

And I'm Bi too I guess ....since I like Harry...a Guy.....and i did went out with El...but didnt work out.

I just wished that i can tell Harry how i feel, but i know that he will end up laughing at me and making our parents stopped this marrige.

I didnt like it as first, but now that i have found out what my feelings mean, i dont really care anymore. Just as long i'm next to Harry you know.

I'm replaying the night in my head over and over again.

He rejected that girl at Nandos. Also he held my hand...and called me his boyfriend.... and he wasent scared of how people would react. Maybe he has feelings for me too?

Stop It Louis!! He dosent!! Why You? And He Hates you.....Don't know why...but he does. He's not gunna change that quickly like you did...and be like..... Oi! I got feelings for Louis!! I Love Him! ...Um....No!

I massaged my these thoughts were battleling in my head.

I should just stop these feelings for Harry...before its too late. He will never like me....why get me hopes up for nothing? Why even try ?

I groaned loudly.

I should get to sleep..... There's school tomorrow.... Hurray!..... Not.

I'm still nervous of what people will say.... will they still talk or keep quite... after that little speech Harry made?

I groaned again, bringing my hands up to my head and pulling at my hair.

Why did our parents made us get married? Why do they need to get more popular? Arent they rich enough?

The most imptorant of all.......Why did I have to fall for Harry? Why him? I thought what I had for him was HATE....not LOVE.

Love or Hate? *Larry Stylinson* (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now