Chapter 7

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Whooo!! Update!!! Finnally right? Thank school for making me update slowwwww -___-*

So..... here is Chap. 7 Hope yah like it!!!

Thanks to everyone who's reading and voting and commenting!!! Truely means a lot!! 


Love yah all!!

Anywhore..... Heres the update!! :o

Harry POV

I was watching him. I feel like a stalker right now.

He was eating his burger, ketchup on the side of his cheek.

I wanted to reach up and clean it away, but i couldnt do that.

I couldnt risk it.

"What are you looking at me like that?" he asked, reaching for his drink and placing his pink lips around the straw.

If only the straw was something else.

I smirked at my thought.

"What?"he asked, once again.

I shook my head, " Nothing."

He looked at me, and then shrugged.

We continued to eat in silence.

The earlier event playing through my mind.

Louis looked so lost, so scared. It hurt me to see him like that, I wanted to puch everyone, why couldnt the just shut up? The words hurt Louis, and seeing Louis like that Hurt me.

I sighed, Taylor was the one that angered me the most. I told her to leave me alone, after that night. Told her that i didnt want her anymore, that i was done with her.

But of course she is stubborn, and didnt believe me. I know she wont stop, till i come back to her. She wont give up, but i swear if she hurts Louis, i will kill her.

I didnt notice that i was gripping on my spoon hard, until i felt finger tips slowly stroke my hand.

"Ha-Harry are you ok?" he asked, concern in his voice.

His warm hand, relaxed me. Making me go weak at the knees. I noticed what he was doing to me, I quickly took my hand back, a little forcefully than expected.

"Yeah! Im fine!" I said harshly.

Hurt appeared through his eyes, making me regret my movement.

He bowed his head down, and nodded.

Guilt washed over me, feeling angry at me self for making Louis feel like that.

His soft voice filled the room as he talked, "We...we..have to go to school tomorrow dont we?" he asked.

I nodded," Yeah"

He looked at me, his blue orbs locking with my green ones.

He nodded.

His phone rang, making him jump a little, i smiled at his actions.

he quickly dugged into his pocket and took out his phone.

"Uh- Hello?" he answered.

The voice coming from the Telephone sounded angry, i think it was that chick Eleanor.

Love or Hate? *Larry Stylinson* (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now