Chapter 27

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I know i know..SOrry for not updating, but i haven't been feeling so well. I tried ok? I tried ;( This story is soon coming to an End! I don't want it to end!!! But it has like 5-6 chapter left? Idk i'll see. But yeah...Sorry again,,i know i suck. :/

Anywhore, Enjoy this chapter! I love you all, and sorry, I'll try to update faster! I promise! :) xX

"Careful Now" Liam said, as he walked in front of us, leading us towards the bed. Louis laid in my arms, as i slowly carried him up the stairs, to his room.

We got discharged from the Hospital a few hours ago, and we just arrived home. We all decided to stay at Louis home, all of us. Since Louis' parents came home much later than my own parents from their trip, and we wanted to avoid them noticing us hurt and weak. If they saw us, they would have bombard us with questions and all, mainly my Mum. 

Since, Louis' parents came home later, we decided to stay at his place for the night. Right now if was just El, Zayn and Liam. Niall had gone out to go buy some food for all of us. 

"Careful...Careful" Liam said, again, as i slowly placed Louis on the bed, slowly taking my time being careful with him.

I was slowly recovering, since i didn't have anything serious, just a few scratches and bruises. Louis had a few bruised ribs, but not too serious, they still bothered him though, so he couldn't walk without being pain. That is why i offered to carry him up the stairs, I'm still weak, but i wanted to carry him. I just wanted him to be in my arms for a while.

I smiled down at him, as i slowly laid him on the soft bed. He smiled at me weakly. I adjusted the pillows behind him, and brought up a small blanket to cover his legs.

"Thanks Harry" He said, his warm hand on my cheek. I closed my eyes, and tilted my head, feeling his hands, on my cool skin. I reached up, and grabbed his hand, whispering your welcome, as i kissed it.

Liam, was opening the shades up a bit, letting light come through. It was such a beautiful day outside still. Even though, it was getting closer to winter, the weather outside was comftarble. Not too warm, and not to hot. 

I walked over the other side of the bed, and climbed in with him, laying next to him, as i place once arm around him, bringing his body closer to mine. I sighed, and kissed his temple. 

Eleanor, and Zayn sat on a small couch near the bed, it was a bit small to fit the two of them, so El sat on Zany's lap. Zayn had his arms wrapped around her small waist. I'm guessing they were together now, since they were so close. I smiled, i'm glad for them, my mate finally found his girl. They looked right for each other.

After, Liam finished adjusting the shades, he sat on another chair in the room. He sighed, and nodded.

"Ok, guys. I know, that what we went through was scary. The though of our friends being in danger, and almost loosing them. But we worked together, and found them. We are all safe now, all of us. Taylor and that josh guys had been caught,, along with who ever helped them. I'm not sure their current situation is, but i am sure it's pretty bad for them. I just wanted to tell you all, that i'm glad we are ok, and if anything like that ever happens again, We will all have each other's back, and protect each other" He said, looking at us, smiling.

We all smiled back at him.

"We all started out like enemies, hating each other for reasons that now have cleared up. But as time passe bye we noticed that we were all the same. Slowly we began to get along with each other, noticing that together we wroke much better. We are a family now guys, that's how i see it, we care about each other even if we say we don't. We do, and we got to keep it that way. Whatever happens, we will still all be together!" Liam said.

"One Big Happy Family!" Zayn said, chuckling.

We laughed, and nodded.

Liam was right. We all started out hating each other, but we realized that the hate between us was stupid. We changed it by getting along with it other, showing each other that were were no different from anyone else. We turned Hate into Love.

I kissed Louis again, by his temple, as i hugged him closer.

"You're right Liam" Lou said, weakly. "Thank You!"

Liam smiled, and got up, and came to sit at the edge of the bed. He hugged Louis slowly, and nodded.

As he stood up, Niall busted through the door. 

"Honey! I'm Home!" He said, in a wired accent. 

We all laughed as we saw him, He walked in and sat on the bed, his hand on Louis'  leg.

"How you feeling Lou?" He asked, smiling at him.

"Much Better, Thanks Ni" Louis said.

Niall nodded, and stood up, "Ok, I brought food, i don't know what everyone likes so i just order  a bunch of food. " He said.

He walked over to Liam, "Li-Li, Help me take the food out of the car!" He said, tugging Liam's arm.

Liam sighed, and nodded. He stood up, and followed Niall of of the room.

"We'll call you when the food is ready!" Niall said,  smiling at us.

They left the room, leaving us with Zayn and El.

El stood up, and sat at the end of the bed, "Are you both ready for tomorrow?" She asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, we are going. It's fine now, we are alright with it" i told her.

She smiled and nodded, 

Louis looked at her, "Are you still waiting that dress you said?" 

Eleanor blushed and smiled, "'s all ready, hanging in my closet."

"Zayn! Eleanor is my best friend, Please don't hurt her pretty little heart." Louis said, smiling at Eleanor, as she blushed, looking down.

"What?..uh..i...Yeah. Of course" He said, blushing also, as he looked at Louis, smiling.

I chuckled, They have been caught. We knew they liked each other, but obviously they were too shy about it to tell each other, or tell us.

"I would never do anything to hurt her, i promise. " Zayn said, and stood up, coming near to El, and place his hands on her shoulder El smiled.

Louis nodded.

It felt like Louis was the Father, and he was giving permission for his daughter to date this guy. I started too chuckle silently.

"Ok, we'll leave you both alone" El said, standing up, and winking at us.

"We will be right back, we are going to help those guys down there." She said, giggling.

She waved at us, and walked out the door, in a hurry, Tuggin Zayn along wiht her.

I chuckled, and turned to Louis.

"Finally..Alone!" I tell him, as i whisper into his ear, my lips purposely brushing against his ear, as he shivered.

I nuzzled, my nose into his neck, breathing in his sweet scent. I moaned, as i kissed his soft skin.

Louis laughed, as i continued to kiss him, he grabbed my face with both hands, and made me turn to him. 

"I love you Harry"

 He whispered, before kissing me on the lips. His, moving in sync with mine.

I moaned in the kiss, it was so full of love, and lust. I could never get tried of kissing him.

I Love you, has been our favorite word to say to each other now. We say it to each other alot, since we woke up this morning. Just like crazy in love teenagers, saying  I Love you, every single moment. And we are not getting tired of it at all. We want to show each other that we do care for each other a lot. Even though we just found out we actually like each other like hours ago, we feel like we have loved each other since like forever.  love Louis, i really do. All this time i wasted on hating him for not remembering, i regret it. I could just have walked up to him and tell him the truth and all.  But i'm not complaning at all, We are together now, and i'm happy with that.

I pulled back, and looked at him, hi green eyes, locking in with his blue ones. His eyes, oh how i love those eyes. They are like the ocean, blue. So blue, i can't even describe them.

"I love you too" I told him back, kissing his lips quickly before pulling back.

I hugged him. I was afraid that if i let go, this could all disappear. He could disappear. Like if this was all a dream, and i would wake up any second and this will all be gone.

I'm too happy for this to be real. I don't want to wake up ever, i want to live this dream for ever. If it means that i get to be with Louis, and love him freely.

Louis pulled back, and smiled at me, his soft finger tips caressing my cheek. I close my eyes, as i take in the softness and warmth of his skin. 

This is not a dream, this is real. Louis does love me. I know now, this is reality. 

I open my eyes, and look at him, "I love you!" I tell him, kissing him one more time.

I push him back, and straddle him. My legs on each side of him, Being careful with his ribs. He tangles his hands into my hair.

"I....Love...You...too" he said, in between kisses, smiling. 

My hands are on each side of his face, holding him as i kiss him. I pull back, and look at him, admiring him, as he smiles, the way his eyes shine. I was about to lean down, and kiss him again, when the door bursts open, and Niall walks in, screaming.

"Aghh! " He says as he covers his eyes with his hands.

I laugh at him, and crawl off Louis, landing next to him again.

"I leave you both for one second, and you already are fucking each other!" Niall said, his hands still on his eyes.

I am laughing hard now, as i see Niall.

"Niall!" Liam says, as he walks in.

"No! This is unacceptable!" He says, he points a finger at us.

Louis groans, and pulls the sheets over his head. I saw him blushing, embarrassed at what his mate was saying.

"Niall just let them be!, Come one you too...the food is ready!" he said, rolling his eyes, and pulling Niall by the arm, as he leads him out the door.

I  laugh, and get under the sheets with Louis.

"Hi" i whisper to him, as i see him.

He laughs, and kisses me.

"Come one, Let's go eat!" He says, as he throws the sheets off of us.

I stand up quickly, and head over to his side. Helping him, he swats my hands away, "No, I'm ok. Seriously." He says.

I frown at him, and shake my head.

"No, you are not! Le me help you" I say.

Before he has anything else to say to me, i pick him up bridal style, and carry him in my arms.

He huffed, and frowned. His arms locked behind my neck, as he held me.

I smiled at him, and walked towards the door.

"You still love me though right?" I asked, walking down the hallway.

Louis didn't answer me, he stayed quite.

I stopped in my tracks, and looked at him, raising one eyebrow at him. "Louis?" i said.

He was trying to hard not to smile, his smile peeked through. I laughed. He chuckled and turned to me, "Yeah..yeah. I still Love you!" He said.

I nodded, and smiled. He reached up and kissed me, he pulled away quickly as we heard Niall scream at us again.

"Get your butts down here now! The food's getting cold, and i'm hungry!"  He said.

We laughed, at each other, and i started to walked down the stairs.

Niall was like an over protective mother, looking over Louis. I laughed as i thought about Niall.

Slowly i walked down the stairs, until i reached the bottom. Louis squirmed in my hold, but i didn't put him down.

I walked into the kitchen, everyone was already sitting down. Niall wasn't kidding when he said he brought a bunch of different food for us to eat. He actually did. There was trays of food lined up on the table. From Nandos to burgers.

Louis laughed, "Niall! You didn't need to bring this much food!" He said.

I slowly walked over to his chair, and sat him down. Placing a kiss on his head, before walking over to my seat.

"Yes I did, I haven't eaten since yesterday day!" He said.

We all laughed. 

I placed some chicken and pasta on Lou's and mine' plate. My stomach growled as i smelled the delicious food. I too haven't eaten since last night.

"I know we all aren't so religious and all, but how about we all say a quick prayer before we dine?" Liam said.

We nodded, and held hands as we bowed our heads, and closed our eyes.

Liam started, "Dear Go, Thank You for keeping our friend safe from harm, and giving us another chance for them to be with us. Forgive the one who brought them harm, we know she did not do this on purpose and we do not hold hate from her. Please keep us safe, and away from harm, now and forever--"

"Not on porpuse? That cunt hurt our friends! and you are asking for god to fogive her? Liam?" Niall blurted out cutting off Liam. We laughed at him.

Liam frowned, "Niall it is very rude to cut  someone when they are talking, let me finish, and yes we forgive anyone."

Niall shook his head, and started speaking again. 

"Thank You God, for delicious food that is place on the table before us, and for keeping our Friends safe. Amen!" Niall said, quickly cutting off Liam, again.

We all chuckled, as Liam rolled his eyes. Niall digged in filling his cheeks full of chicken.

We ate in silence together. The silence of the house joined us. None of the workers were in today. Louis told us that Fridays, all the workers had the day off. Except for the security guards.

We all ate, silently, except for Niall that kept moaning every time he took a bite of something.

After we were all done, we all helped with the dishes. It was a challenge but we did it. A few splashes of water and soap everywhere, we got it done.

After that, we were all pretty tired. From the lack of sleep, Everyone took a room upstairs, and slept.

Louis and I sat by the Den. It had large window that overlook Louis' Mum Garden. It was beautiful, if i must say.

I held Louis in my arms, as we looked how the clouds move through the blue sky.

"Harry, I'm scared" Louis suddenly said. His back was on my chest so as he spoke his voice vibrated through my chest. 

I leaned down, and placed my chin on his shoulder. "What are you scared off Love?" I asked him. 

  He leaned his head on my shoulder, and sighed. "Tomorrow...the Ball..the people...everything" he said.  

I grabbed his chin, and turned him to me, "There is nothing to be scared of, I will there with you at all times. I won't let anything or anyone harm you. I don't want to lose you Louis. I love you"   He smiled, and nodded. I leaned down, and his lips met mine.  

The sun was sinking down, signaling the end of the day. The sunset was beautiful, a mix of colors painted the sky. I held Louis close as we layed there, in ach others arms, watching the sunset.  

"I love you" Louis whispered, as the sun finally touched the horizon. Disappearing. The day ending, and a night appearing.    


Love or Hate? *Larry Stylinson* (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now