Teenage Rebellion Is Healthy, Guys

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"Am I interrupting something?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow after walking into the kitchen to find Wanda and Vision getting a little bit too close to each other. Not that I minded since anyone with the tiniest bit of awareness could tell something was going on with them.

"Hailey! Of course not," Wanda laughed awkwardly taking a solid step away from Vision. I hummed, not entirely convinced but let it go. A synthezoid and a magic human. Maybe there is hope for me after all.

"What are you making?" I asked curiously, looking down at the pot in front of Wanda as I slid onto one of the stools behind the kitchen counter.

"Paprikash, Vision tried making it," Wanda answered, smiling fondly at the pot.

"Intimate," I teased causing Wanda to blush slightly as she shook her head at me with a smile.

"I don't know what's in this but it is not paprika. I'm gonna go to the store. I'll be back in 20 minutes," Wanda smiled but was stopped by Vision who fazed himself in front of her.

"Alternatively, we could order a pizza?" Our smiles faltered at the odd request as I got the feeling this was not just Vision talking.

"Vision, are you not letting me leave?" Wanda asked calmly as I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"It is a question of safety," he said, looking down.

"I can protect myself," she assured confidently, taking a step forward but was blocked by Vision holding out his arm.

"Not yours. Mr. Stark would like to avoid the possibility of another public incident. Until the Accords are on a... more secured foundation," he explained making me stare at him.

"Vision-" I started but he stopped me.

"Both of you," he stated, refusing to look directly at me, taking me back.

"And what do you want?" Wanda asked, tilting her head at him as she tried not to loose her cool.

"For people to see you... as I do," Vision answered back genuinely as they stared at each other like they were challenging the other to make the next move. Check what I said earlier, this is intimate and I am not a fan.

Warning: Stranger Danger. Stranger Danger.

Red warnings suddenly flashed in my cybernetic eyes as Friday connected me to the surveillance cameras showing Clint Barton sneak through the towers and toward us.

Report the Problem?

Yes No

I chose the no option, knowing full well what Clint was coming here to do and I was not about to stop it. Thank the Asguardian Gods that I have cybernetic eyes. And thank the gods that Vision is not a humanoid Android and was not connected to the security system like I was.

All of a sudden, an explosion went off outside the tower causing me and Wanda to look out the window overlooking the vast woods to see orange smoke rise from the trees.

"What is it?" Wanda asked but I held back my knowledge, playing dumb. She looked at me when she did not get an answer back, surprised at my silence but did not show it.

"Stay here," Vision ordered before fazing through the window and fly to the fires position to see what had happened. I calmly looked behind me, sensing someone's stare on the back of my neck, to see Clint, or rather his alter ego Hawkeye, standing ten feet away from us. Wanda though seemed to take a different approach by using her telepathy magic to grab the butchers knife in the cutting board and aim it at his neck.

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