Seperation and Savings

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<> = different language/ Low German that people in and near the Elbe district speak. And yes I did a lot of research on this. I'm tired.

My head hurts.

Wait no, scratch that. Everything hurts.

That was the first thing I thought before I woke up with a start. And when I say start, I mean gasping for breath and my chest heaving desperately to cool down and air out my body to dry the quart of water in me.

I flipped myself over right before I threw up the water on the wood floor, dry heaving. Wait, wood floor?

I whipped my head up and looked around to see a crew of fishermen surrounding me, staring at me surprised.

"<Ah, the blueberry is awake! Hello, blueberry>!" The fisherman in front of me greeted in Low German and thank gods I'm an intelligence system or I would have no idea what they were saying.

"<Where did you come from>?" Another asked in concern at the random girl they fished out of the river.

"<I came from Prague and accidentally fell in the river>," I lied shortly before going to look up my coordinate but stopped when I realized Beck probably hacked into my program and will know where I am if I enable my location. I looked around the boat and the shocked fishermen and saw we weren't far off from land. "< you mind telling me where we are?>"

"<You came from Prague?! Blueberry, you're in Mühlberg, Germany>," the man in front of me informed with wide eyes making me choke on the air in surprise.

"<WHAT?! Oh I am so going to kill Peter when I see him I- oh my gods he might already be dead>," I rambled, freaking out. I tried to stand up but I felt the arc reactor in my chest spark and sizzle under my hoodie and felt pain shoot through my body. I fell back, groaning.

"<How are you even alive>?" He demanded incredulously causing me to whip my head back at him.

"<Uhh... I'm pretty scrappy>," I shrugged carelessly before attempting to get up again which was painful but successful. "<Do you guys mind if we dock and I borrow one of your phones to call>?" I asked, wincing at the sharp pain coming from my chest.

"<Of course not! Let's go, let's go>!" He shouted at the other men who hurried off to their positions to help the hurt, crazy lady from the ocean. "<Here, take my phone your dad is probably worried sick about you>," he said handing me his phone making me smile at him.

"<Thank you>," I said genuinely before typing in Happy's number and turning around as the phone rang.

"Hello-?" I heard him start on the other end but I interrupted him before he could say any more.

"Happy get your ass on a jet and go to Mühlberg, Germany and come pick me up," I demanded in English.

"Hailey? What are you doing in Mu- Mulberg?" Happy questioned, not sounding really surprised which surprised me instead but I ignored that.

"It's Mühlberg and Beck, Mysterio, is a vengeful psycho who is bitter at the world and my father and is about to cause a lot of destruction so I need you to come get me. Me and Peter got separated so he could be dead or somewhere in Europe," I summarized into the phone quietly so none of the fishermen would hear me.

"I just got a phone call from Peter, he's fine. He's in The Netherlands and some weird sounding town," Happy assured making me sigh in relief. "I'm already heading there, just sit tight."

"Alright, I'll see you then. Bye," I said simply before hanging up and handing it back to the man. "<Thanks. You know where I might find a toolbox>?" I asked him, knowing I had to fix my reactor and fast.

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