Dating Peter Parker Would Include:

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Edit: This is...incredibly cringey I'm so sorry
Also just watched the new Spider-Man movieeee
Of course I will not spoil it until I can either buy or 'legally' watch the movie so it might take a while for me to write a new chapter. Stay tuned!

Dating Peter Parker Would Include: Hailey addition??

- Tony (ha dead loser) being a little BITCH at first

-Shutting him up real fast

-At first, having full on fights about Star Wars

-Begrudgingly accepting each other's opinions on Star Wars but still making jabs at the other

-memes for dayssss; just sending eachother random memes, some funny, some cute, some just blocks of texts telling the other how amazing they are

-Nicknames for dayssss which include: Darling, Hon/hun, sweetheart, Hails, Doll/Dollface (part ironic, part serious)

-Theres was one time Peter called Hailey babe and she gave him the most dead eyed stare in the world. Never again.

-Sharing cute animal pictures because why not

-Movie Nights

-Which include lots of arguing from everyone involved

-Like a lot

-PDA who's she? DISGUSTING

-Only light hand holding in public because we ain't hOrEs

-Also no one wants to be that teenage couple that blocks traffic in the middle of a hallway because an hour away from each other is tOrTurE (totally not based off of experience)

-Lots of Sucking up to Aunt May at first because hahaha she HAS to love me hahahaha or I will die hahahaha

-Bonding over good retro movies

-With lots of commentary because tf is with all the SA jokes in old movies like chill guys

-Peter secretly fangirling at first because oHmYgOd he's friends with an (retired) Avenger!!!1!!!1!1!!!

- Cynical Sarcasm + Quips = #ComedyDuo

-Hailey always getting scolded for talking to the bad guys and joking so it was a pleasant change of pace to work with Spidey, to say the least

-Tons of cuddles when alone cuz we ain't hOrEs

-Raving about tech together like a couple of NERDS

-Snapping each other out of workaholic daze™️

-"NOOOOO I need to finish this before Monday or Pepper will have my head!"


-"SO?! I'm by definition a computer and you stare at me for hours!"

-Being late for dates together

-Or just having stopping criminals be the date that night

-Peter missing her when's she's gone with work, business or superhero type stuff

-Also texting her every other hour

-Specifically cat pictures to entice her to text him

-Time honored traditions that will be honored till the sun explodes such as:

-Patching each other up after patrols and missions gone wrong

-Watching at least one movie every sleepover

-Texting each other at 11:11 AM or PM because ya can't waste your wish

-Playing old video games together

-"These graphics make me want to claw my eyes out."

-"Don't insult Galaga!"

-"I will build you a new game to help you never play this again!"

-She did.

-It was awesome.

-Poking fun at Peters Costume

- "Is that suppose to be an ant or a spider?"

- "And You're sure you don't want a new suit? At least let me change the blue color."

- "Do you want a belt for your extra webs or are you happy with them in tiny awkward pockets?"

-"I'm just saying, the eyes are creepy looking!"

-At one point trying on the Spidey Suit anyway

- Peter vlogging to no one about nothing

- "Are you filming me?"

- ""

-Ranting about work problems to Peter

-Or about school

-Or about people

-Or about literally anything

-Getting take out with MJ and Ned and just awkwardly sitting there with nothing

-Peter randomly showing up at her apartment just for the AC since he can't thermoregulate

-Randomly kissing him on the temple

- "Maybe it'll give you more common sense."

-Seeing who can do the better flips

-Peter always winning


-Humming the Spider-Man theme song just to embarrass Peter

-Getting MJ and Ned to do the same thing

-The humming turning into full on screaming

-Helping each other with work/homework

-"Hey what'd you get for number 7?"

-"Ugh, yeah, it's a trick question, x= undefined."

-"Thank youuuu"

-Casually trying to recruit people for Stark Industries

- "Ned, random question, can you organize and create well thought out budgets and keep track of money?"

- "Uh...yes?"

- Two days later Ned mysteriously found a business card for Stark industries in his backpack

-And in Peter's backpack

-And in MJ's

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