I Love You and We Need To Break Up

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You know what No Way Home needs? MORE CRYING 😄 MWHAHAHA

After one month of school, things started to feel normal. Which was disturbing, to say the least.

I had already gotten an envelope or two from the colleges I applied to but just as I guessed, no luck. Surprise, surprise, no one wants a robot on their campus.

Soon, I settled into a routine. Put on a hat and glasses, sneak out of my apartment, get a ride from Happy who was also wearing glasses and a hat to hide his face, park near the school because parking a block isn't necessary anymore, hide from reporters, ignore the students while also hiding from them at lunch on the roof, and get through the school day. Then fly back to the roof of my building which no one notices because no one looks up anymore.

Currently, I lay on my bed, blankly staring up at the ceiling as my tv plays in the background. I wonder what my albino twin is up to... what if she's hiding from the press too...?

Bob chirped me out of my thoughts next to me, cocking his head to the right curiously to look at my head at the right angle as he stared at me intently.

"What are you looking at?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow and he simply chirped in response. "I speak over 6,000 languages and yet I don't speak bird," I huffed and Bob hopped on top of my stomach and bent down to be inches from my face. "Hi to you, too."

"-And I, for one, am terrified to think of the implications that come with its existence," I heard a reporter say on the TV screen looking at her male co-anchor who nodded along. "I mean surely a...thing this powerful had to be on the US government's radar? Tony Stark and Stark Industries as a whole were known for supplying the US army weapons of war before they shut down their weapons division more than 10 years ago which means that it was probably up for auction when it was created," she continued and her co-anchor jumped in.

"You're absolutely right, Gale. I mean, if this was under our noses what else is the government hiding from us? Americans deserve to feel safe and no one can until it's destroyed and buried 10 feet under. And I can't wait until that robot and its master are go-" I turned off the TV and stared at the blank screen with my reflection showing back at me. Bob cooed at me and sympathetically nuzzled my neck causing me to sigh.

"Thanks, hon," I smile sadly at the bird and he cooed back like he was saying 'you're welcome!'

Suddenly I heard the downstairs elevator ding and open causing me to stand up, knocking Bob down. He screeched angrily as he used his wings to catch himself from falling from the ground and he, what I assume to be a glare at me.

"Oh, you're fine," I brushed him off and he chirped angrily at me but still settled on my shoulder with a pout. I walked out of my bedroom and looked over the railing to see Peter looking around for me.

Bob screeched when he saw him and dived straight for him but he just swerved just before he got his face. I whistled sharply and he begrudgingly flew back to me with an angry coo, snuggling in the crook of my neck protectively.

"Bad, Bob, bad!" I scowled and he cooed irritably while Peter looked at him with wide, slightly terrified eyes,

"What was that?! Your bird just became a fighter jet at me!" Peter exclaimed from the first floor.

"I've been training him," I explained proudly, nuzzling his neck with my finger and he cooed happily as Peter's face looked up at both of us with a deadpan stare. "Not for you, of course. He just really doesn't like you."

"Don't pet him, he tried to claw out my eyes!"

"Leave the past in the past, Peter," I chided, waving him off and he shook his head at me with a small smile. I casually hopped over the second-floor railing and quietly landed in front of him. "What are you doing here?" I asked casually, trying to mask my fear that maybe someone saw him enter the building and found him here. With me.

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