Reunions and Rehiring

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^New room setup^

I stood in my new room, just finishing up unpacking the last box. Finally, a room that looks like an actual teenager lives in it.

I was practically jumping out of my skin, excited to finally see Peter again for the first time since that night. I looked at the clock and scurried out of my room, knowing he would be here any moment.

I ran out of the doors to the balcony and leaned over the railing, smirking as I spotted the familiar sleek, black car. I ran inside the building and hopped down the steps of the long, elegant staircase. I slowed down as I got to the last steps, smoothing down my white button-up shirt and brushing away a couple of blue strands of hair from my face self consciously.

"You don't see that every day," Happy said to Peter who watched a Quinjet fly off with a grin plastered on his face.

"Yeah, you never really get used to it," I chuckled behind them making Peter whip his head towards me. "Hey, loser."

"H-hey," he greeted awkwardly as he crossed his arms and leaned back slightly, trying to look cool. I snorted under my breath at his dorkiness.

"Good to have you back," I greeted, wrapping my arms around his neck in a hug.

"Glad to be back," he said quietly, hugging me back as he held my waist.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey! Arm's length you two!" We turned our heads in unison to see my father walking towards us. Peter immediately dropped his arms as I rolled my eyes at both of them. "I'm just kidding," he smiled causing Peter to sigh in relief, slightly relaxing. "Not really, though. Arm's length." Peter took one solid big step away from me, sweating, as I threw my hands up in the air in annoyance.

"How was the ride up?" Father asked Peter but before he could Happy answered for him instead.


"Give me a minute with the kid," Father said looking at Happy. Even though it was not specifically directed at me I knew he meant I leave too.


"Yeah, seriously?" I asked father, raising an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Yeah, I gotta talk to the kid."

"I'll be close behind."

"How about a loose follow? All right? Boundaries are good," father said before turning to me with a quirked eyebrow. His usual way of silently asking if I was going to listen to him this time.

"You really think me trailing behind will limit my annoying comments or hearing?" I asked, crossing my arms next to Peter. Father opened his mouth to respond but closed it silently, putting an arm around Peter to lead him to the conference room. I followed next to Peter but not before turning to Happy.

"Do not worry Happy. We are not going to get you fired for the fourth time," I half-joked.

"Forth time?" Peter whispered towards me, leaning down as he looked at me confused.

"Father has a lot of temper tantrums," I whispered back, chucklingly quietly.

"Sorry I took your suit. I mean, you had it coming. It turns out it was the perfect sort of tough-love moment that you needed, right? To urge you on, right? Wouldn't you think? Don't you think?" I blinked at him.

"Yeah, yeah, I guess," Peter answered awkwardly making me glare at father.

"You are just saying this because you so desperately want to be right in every situation. I mean seriously, is it that hard to admit that you were wrong and I was right, like always?"

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