Poor Planning and Poor Decisions

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Sorry this is so sloppy, there's so many jump cuts it gets a little messy writing them

"So how do magnets get you drunk?" Jimmy asked as we drove to Monica's contacts location. I stared at him, debating whether to give in or snap at him. I sighed.

Instead of corrupting files, strong magnets corrupt my processor and without my processor I can't process things which leaves me like a big drunk baby. Of course S.W.O.R.D. and S.H.I.E.L.D. instantly took that to their advances and created their very own magne-cuffs. The ones I had on had stronger magnets but weaker metal while S.H.I.E.L.D. was the opposite with weaker magnets that took a while to affect me but were almost impossible to get out of. And everyone wonders why I'm so bitter at the two.

"Since I'm an android, magn-"

"You mean synthezoid, right?" Monica asked, giving me a weird look.

"No...I'm an android," I replied as I shared her weird look.

"No...you're a synthezoid."

"I think I know what I am," I laughed at her guts to correct me on what I am.

"Hailey, you're closer to looking like a human than an android would be, are man-made and are made with synthetic material. You're a synthezoid. The only reason you think you're just an android is because your...father didn't even know what he created when you were made," she reasoned making me stare at her. As I froze and stared at her, she looked into her rear view mirror and took a double take.

"Jimmy. Jimmy, do you see that?" Monica piped up causing me and Jimmy to look behind us. The red barrier surrounding the town in the distance started expanding rapidly, so much so even we could tell.

"Something's happening! It's moving! Go, go!" I felt the car speed up as I watched the force field expand and crackle helplessly. Why would Wanda expand her border? She's clearly straining her powers enough as it is so why would she add onto it?

"Darcy made it through that last firewall, all right," Jimmy announced looking down at his phone as we waited for Monica's transportation to arrive.

"Oh, what'd she find?" Monica asked looking over his shoulder to his phone with me mimicking her.

"RnD reports. All on the same project. Code name, Cataract."

"Cataract?" I questioned mostly to myself and scanned the reports on his device.

"Hayward wasn't decommissioning Vision. He was trying to bring him back online. Nothing worked until... Wanda stole Vision's body," Monica realized as she stared at the reports, stunned.

"That's why he was so focused on tracking Vision inside the Hex. Hayward wants his sentient weapon back." I felt like I was going to be sick. I knew that's what he was planning from the beginning but actually hearing it... it was disgusting. I straightened myself up and reconfigured, knowing I had to push all my feeling down to get the job done and in control.

"Oh my golly geez, who could have predicted that?"

"Final checks. We're all set, Captain," Major Goodner informed as I went through my notifications, displaying them on a hologram I created from my projector installed in my left wrist. Technology in its full glory aka me.

"Thank you," Monica said gratefully as she stared in victory at the ten-thousand pound vehicle. I spotted a dozen missed texts from Peter in my pile of notifications and opened them only to find...

Mon, Oct 16, 2:37 PM

Webs🕸❤️ Mon, Oct 16, 2:37 PM

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