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"What the fu-?!" Peter exclaimed with his hands on his head in shock but was interrupted by a car horn a few feet away. I
gaped at the screen, unable to process what just happened.

People started swarming us from below, taking pictures at our shocked faces and looked up at us. I shook my head, shaking away my thoughts and focusing on the problem at hand.

"We gotta go," Peter urged, taking my hand, preparing to swing away with me.

"No! Really?" I gasped sarcastically at his astute observation making him look at me.

"Is this really the time to be sarcastic?" He demanded gesturing to the cries of people beneath us.

"It's always a time to be sarcastic!" I shot back before flying ahead of him. He shot a web at the top of a nearby building and launched himself into the air next to me.

"Ohmygodsohmygodsohmygods," I rambled under my breath my mind racing. Everyone knew. Oh my gods, everyone knew. Everyone knew I was Tony Starks creation. Everyone knew I wasn't human. The whole world knew.

"It's fine, it's fine," Webs comforted but I didn't exactly know if he was comforting me or himself.

"Everyone thinks you're a killer and I'm a violent robot, how is that fine?!" I yelled over the wind around us as we flew away from the chaos before pausing. "Okay, I am a violent robot but they don't need to know that!"

We flew through the air until we landed on top of a large beam over a construction site, trying to catch our breath. I searched through the internet as Peter answered his ringing phone, Ned trying to call him. Every news site I analyzed was going crazy with the information, not one pausing to think about the clearly edited footage.

"Dude!" I heard Ned on Peters phone exclaim.

"Dude!" Peter repeated, freaking out with him.


"Dude!" They yelled back and forth making me roll my eyes exasperatedly.

"Dude!" I shouted at both of them, stopping their little conversation short and gestured wildly to the news helicopter coming near us.

"Right sorry, sorry. I'll call you later," Peter signed off before hanging up on Ned and swinging down from the beam with me flying after him. He stuck a web onto a manhole cover and moved it from its hole.

"Are we seriously going to go through the sewers?!"

"You have a better plan?"

"Wha-maybe!" I responded with uncertainty but still got stuck having to fly into the tunnel to reveal a subway track underneath the streets. We weaved swiftly through the metal underground hall until we met the glowing lights of a subway car heading straight for us. We took a sharp right, barely missing the car and continued onward till we arrived at a cover on the streets of one of Delmars shops near Peters apartment and casually hopped out of the cover.

"You good?" I checked, knowing we both barely made it past that subway and one of us might have gotten nicked by it.

"Yeah, you?"

"Physically yes," I answered casually before continuing to fly with Peter to his apartment. When we finally got there he stuck himself onto the brick wall right next to Peter's bedroom window. I levitated in front of it, opening the windows latch and pulling it up before hopping through it first and then Peter who immediately started freaking out.

"I'm so sorry-" Peter started, tapping the spider emblem on his suit making it expand and whipping off his mask.

"It's ok, it's ok-" I tried to comfort him as I tapped the arc reactor in my chest twice causing my suit to disappear inside it leaving me in my black tank top and sport shorts.

Veins and Wires // Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now