Wars and Reunions

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I forgot how to write, bare with me

Systems reopening...

Processing all accessible information...

Please wait...

Good morning, H.A.I.L.E.Y. Stark.

Usually I would wake up with a start and jolt forward but unlike the usual situation, I had a lot of information I needed to process and gain through the internet. I analyzed all the articles, books, videos, and anything else that had been published since the last time I was activated like usual. Except the difference was that was five years ago.

Five years.

And then I jolted awake.

When my eyes opened I was greeted with a cluttered room, similar to father's workstation but...different. I looked around to see a shocked Pepper with a purple Iron suit on and tears in her eyes, rushing to take off the wires connected to the back of my neck and a random sorcerer. I looked down at my body, expecting a giant hole where my 'heart' would be but it was repaired, an obviously rushed job.

I blinked, taking in everything around me like a newborn. I stepped off the charging station I was on and looked at it, noticing my reflection across the metal. I looked older, probably 18 but still mentally 16. My synthetic skin was shaped to make me look older, a bit different since I was stuck looking barely 15 before. I was astonished.

"Come on, it's been five years. They need us," the sorcerer said vaguely but I somehow understood through the various emotions I was taking in. He did a complicated hand gesture and out-popped a portal. I looked at Pepper with a iron mask in hand in astonishment.

"I missed a lot," I stated, not as a question but an obvious exclamation. She smiled and hugged me quickly but caringly, surprising me for a moment before hugging her back.

"Good to have you back," she whispered making me smile slightly. We separated, knowing we had to wait for a tearful reunion later and flew out the portal with me doing the stereotypical superhero landing like usual with Pepper. I tapped my chest twice where my super suit awaited me, swallowing me in nano-particles as I looked up seriously to see a wrecked battlefield.

It is a good thing we moved upstate.

I glanced behind me to see potentially hundreds of portals filled with hero's and looked ahead of me to see thousands upon thousands of aliens with Thanos. My breath hitched at the sight but continued to stare ahead in determination. This is going to be real ugly.

"Is that everyone?" I heard Dr. Strange ask Wong as spells were ready to be fired on both their hands.

"What, you wanted more?" Wong replied in disbelief as all of us got into our battle positions including Scott who popped out of nowhere in his huge form.

I swear to god, if I die twice I am going to be so mad.

"AVENGERS!" Steve calls out as he stuck his hand out towards the sky, summoning Mjolnir like it belonged there. "Assemble," he ordered like he had a thousand times before though it was different at the same time. Thor roared and the Wakanda army did the same.

As people made their battle cries, we all charged furiously at Thanos's army. He pointing his weapon at us silently making the alien freak circus run at us too in a climatic charge. As our forces met we immediately started attacking any alien that came close to us. I barbecued 10 below me as I flew above the army alongside Pepper and father, zapping any that came close to me or any avengers. Yay...family bonding time?

After a while of beating up aliens, I spotted father getting his ass handed to him by green goblin. I shocked him making him turn to me and glare before heading towards me instead. Spidey pulled him away with his webs and got squashed by Ant-Man stepping on him.

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