Goodbyes and Greetings

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^stolen from toonimated that looks a lot like what I imagine Hailey to look like^

"What, you doing a little video diary?" Father asked from the backseat of the car, lifting Parker's filming camera. We were back in New York dropping Parker off after a very long weekend. He and father were in the backseat as he was trying to smoothly film father while I was in the front seat scrolling through YouTube with my hologram.


"It's alright I probably-"

"I told him not to do it, he was filming everything. I'm gonna wipe the chip I-"

"Okay hey, hey, hey," Father said, stopping Happy. "Actually, we should actually make an alibi video for your aunt. You ready?" He asked making Parker get into the camera's shot with him.

"Hey May, what are you doing, what are you wearing? Something skimpy I hope," he stopped and laughed making me and Parker look over at him, weirded out.

"Father I have told you several times not to make comments like that unless it is 50 feet away from me," I stated, looking back at my father's laughing face.

"Okay, okay that's inappropriate you can edit that out. Okay, three, two one," father counted down and reshot the video with Parker.

"Hey May, my gosh. Want to tell you what an incredible job...your nephew did...this weekend at the Stark Internship retreat. Everyone was impressed-" he congratulated but was interrupted by Happy's irritated voice and loud honking.

"Come on!" We all looked at Happy. "It's a frickin' merger I'm sorry-"

"This is because you are not on Queens boulevard."

"Well to be fair it is a good thing you were cut off because that scene was awful, you both are terrible liars," I commented from upfront making both of them look up at me offended. "What? Parker looks constipated and you pause on every word you say, you both are atrocious actors." I said honestly but my father ignored me and continued with the alibi video with Parker awkwardly filming him making me roll my eyes at my father.

"You see, Happy is hoping to get bumped up to asset management. He was head of security and then before that he was just a driver..." Parker turned his camera to Happy as he began to shut down father.

"This is a private conversation. I don't like talking about this, it was hard talking to you about it." Happy responded, sadly making me pat his shoulder to comfort this sad, stressed-out man.

"No seriously was he snoring a-" Father started to ask Parker but stopped when Happy slammed on the brakes of the car.

"Here we are."

"Whoops," father laughed as Parker pressed his lips together to keep from laughing along.

"Happy can you give us a moment?"

"You want me to leave the car?" Happy asked annoyed.

"Why don't you grab Peter's bag?" Father offered to make Happy grumble and begrudgingly get out of the car. Father looked at me expectedly, figuring I would take the hint and get out also.

"I am not leaving just so you can have a little father and son talk and I get replaced," I started looking back at both of them making father roll his eyes at me and Parker look at me nervously.


"I can keep the suit?" Parker asked wide-eyed, lowering his camera.

"Yes we were just talking about that," father stated obviously, putting on his sunglasses and cleared his throat.

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