Talks and Threats

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"Will you kindly...SHUT THE HELL UP."

"You don't even believe in hell!" Father rebuttals from the other side of his work desk.


It has been a couple of months since Peter and I got together and it was going relatively smoothly. Of course, there had been bumps like any normal relationship.

Oh yeah and with a constant existential crisis where I thought I was a toaster that was incapable of having feelings and Peter trying to convince me I was real but what couple does not go through that?

Anyway long story short, father found out I was hanging out with MJ only half of the time I had been saying I was hanging out with MJ. I tried to lie my way out of it but he did not fall for it, making me come clean about where I have actually been AKA with Peter.

"My love life is none of your business!"

"It is my business, you're my daughter dating my-"

"Your what? Apprentice? Employee? I still do not understand your relationship with him. I swear your guy's relationship is weirder than ours," I scoffed irritably. Father gave me a hard look causing me to mimic his look back at him.

"Why couldn't you have at least been honest with me instead of lying to my face about it?!"

"Because I do not have to tell you anything! And I knew you would freak out and lecture me about dating your ward or whatever but obviously, that did not work out very well!"

"Clearly!" Father exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air in anger. When his arms came back down to his side he immediately lifted his right hand and pinched the bridge of his nose in aggravation. "Well great, now I have to meet him."

"What are you talking about now?"

"I have to meet your boyfriend now because I am a father and that's what fathers do."

"What did you smoke in the last hour? You already met him!"

"Yeah but I have to meet him as your boyfriend now like-like on tv or whatever, you know?" I stared at him as he took out his phone from his pocket.

"No, no I do not know. I have no idea what you are on about!" I exclaimed defeated watching him type in something on his phone. "What are you doing now?" I sighed in exasperation but he did not answer me. Suddenly it dawned on me.

I snatched his phone from his hands just as he put it to his ear. I glanced down to see a bright Underoos ID in white.

"Hello? Mr. Stark?" I heard faintly come from the phone making me panic and press the hang-up button a dozen times before the call actually ended.

"Hailey, give me my phone back right now so I can threaten him...kindly," Father said slowly with absolute fury but I shook my head, still flustered.

"No, no, no, I think I am good," I answered as father came at me incredibly annoyed. I levitated off the ground subconsciously and rose above him so he could not grab me.

"HAILEY ALICE STARK, you get down here this instant!"

"NO!" I shouted like a five-year-old, clutching the phone from the ceiling. "You cannot make me!"

"Wanna bet?" He asked before stomping out the door in anger making me sigh in relief. Until he came back. With Vision.

"Are you sure this is necessary Mr. Stark?"

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