Final Fights and Finales

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It do be like that sometimes^

Also happy late one year anniversary for this book? It's kind crazy and also depressing that I've spent a year of my life on this book but whatever keeps me sane ig lol

A little tip for all you people who want to become superheroes and team up with other superheroes: Don't! Especially when all three of your teammates have the exact same name and are literally the same person!

"Ow! Fuck, am I really this psychopathic?" I exclaimed, clutching my jaw after being slammed in the face by Hailey #2's fist. I had a plan with the cure I had made, a USB that should calm her down that I could plug into the back of her neck if she was built like me at the beginning with a charging port. I just needed to get close enough to her to install it but clearly, she wasn't going to let me near her without a fight. Suddenly, I hated my enhanced... well, everything.

I vaguely heard shouting through the comm set but I kind of focused on not violently dying to help them as I was locked in a battle with myself. I aimed a punch at her face but my fist went right through her and stumbled behind her.

"You have intangibility?! How the fuck is that fair?!" I shouted and she kicked me, sending me straight into the rails making them dent around my weak body.

"You don't?" She snickered as she picked me up by my neck and shoved me over the rails causing me to fall for a few seconds before flying up toward her once more. I tackled her to the ground, shoving both of us down to the floor level below us.

"I can fly, dumbass!"

"You can fly?! Why are you complaining about intangibility, flying is way more convenient!"

"Why are we complimenting each other?"

"I don't know, I can't help it! Your suit is so cute, by the way," she added as we continued to battle each other.

"Dude, yours is so much hotter," I denied as I flipped her body over my shoulder when she tried to barrel toward me.

"Dude, you're a liar. I love your side fishnets."

"Oh please, I love your tights," I gushed back without thinking as she grabbed my ankle and pulled me down with her.

"Oh my gods, thank you," she said genuinely without a hint of sarcasm as she jumped up and landed on her feet and I soon followed suit. We both started toward each other with our fists ready but we ended up both falling back from the power causing me to crash down into a floor-level down below. I groaned and wavered as I got up only to see the other Peter's yelling at each other through the sandstorm and rapid winds.

"What the hell is going on out there? I kept yelling at you, Peter 2, Peter 2!" Peter #3 lectured at Peter #2 who just looked lost and tired.

"I know...but I thought you're Peter 2?" He asked in confusion causing both of them to stare at each other in bamboozlement.

"What? I'm not Peter..."

"Stop arguing, both of you! Listen to Peter 1!" My Peter exclaimed, pointing to himself making the others stop and look at him. "Look, we're clearly not very good at this!"

"I know, I know. We suck. I-I don't know how to work as a team."

"Me neither. I thought you two would have a bit more experience since you're a duo!"

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