Angry Waters and Weird Heroes

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"Tell me we're not staying here."

Our entire class walked into a relatively small building that was literally sinking and after taking a gorgeous boat ride through the city it was a bit of a disappointment, to say the least.

Planks of wood sat on the stairs like the owners were trying to make a bridge to avoid the water but failed in the long run. And there in the middle of the godforsaken entrance
sat a cat on a table like it was stranded on a deserted island, still meowing for help. I didn't want to seem like the stereotypical rich, spoiled brat but it sucked.

"Come on in!" Mr. Harrison encouraged the class who were frozen in horror in the rotting doorframe.

"This place is sinking."

"You mean, 'charming.'"

"It stinks."

"Okay, everybody, drop your bags off. We're gonna meet at the da Vinci Museum at 3. Let's go! ¡Vamonos!"

"It's Andiamo," I corrected.


"There you go," MJ congratulated sarcastically.

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When you're in Venice, your socks get wet."

I laughed at MJ as pigeons continued to flock towards her, sitting on her head and shoulders and I took out my phone.

"Say bird poop!"

"Shut up and take the picture," MJ rolled her eyes at me as the birds continued to waddle all over her. I snickered before taking a bunch of pictures, making sure I had a good one but stopped when one of the pigeons landed on my shoulder.

"Please don't poop on my shoulder, friend," I begged gently at the bird. It cooed in response poking my neck with its beak making me smile in satisfaction with their answer. "I'll send you your model shots," I added to MJ as I opened messages.

"Finally," she said, gently shaking off the birds and carefully stepping out of their herd towards me only to be followed.

"You look hot as hell with these little adorable rats around you. You're like the pigeon overlord," I smirked.

"Says the one with a little rat servant," she shot back, gesturing to the one on my shoulder making me look at them.

"Damnit I've already gotten attached," I swore as I looked into their beady little eyes.

"Please don't get attached-"

"Too late! His name is Bob," I declared.

"How do you know he's a he?" MJ asked, scrunching up her eyebrows in confusion, and looked Bob up and down.

"I don't know he just seems like he. And he's definitely a Bob," I decided looking back at MJ who just stared at me.

"You're going to carry him around the whole time we're here, aren't you?" She asked in defeat at my antics making me laugh stiffly in fear I would knock Bob off my shoulder.

"Of course not! That would be crazy!" I assured making her calm down and loosen up.

"Oh good, that would've been so wei-"

"I'm carrying him around forever," I interjected obviously and she just stared at me for a solid moment.

"For...ever...? Hailey, you do know you won't be able to bring that thing on the next flight right?" MJ laughed worriedly, wanting to think this was still a joke.

"First of all, 'this thing' is Bob. Second, I have my ways," I defended in offense at the way she referred to Bob, possibly the new love of my life, as a 'thing.'

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