Hell and Homecoming

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I passed Geometry with an 80 bitchssss here's an early chapter to celebrate my awesomeness 😌✨

"What?" I snapped as a greeting to a random caller on my phone.

"Hailey, Hailey! Oh, thank god! It's Ned! Look, Peter-"

"Ugh, Ned! I really do not feel like listening to how Peter is having the time of his life with the perfect girl at his perfect prom, alright?" I groaned, spinning absently in my swivel chair as I pouted like a child. It was homecoming and I spent the entire day having a tantrum and being forced to pack up. I looked over my room again, completely empty except for a few boxes and my chair.

I cannot believe Peter is probably having the time of his life with Liz. Ugh. Although, I could not pinpoint why I was so upset about the thought of Peter being happy and safe and normal. With a happy, safe, normal, girl. But that is a good thing, right?

"No, listen! Peter is definitely not having a fun time at the prom tonight. Actually, the opposite," he added.

"Really?" I paused quirking an eyebrow in sick satisfaction. A little part of me knew I should not be this happy to hear of a miserable Peter. But hey, when have I ever been a decent person? Why start now? "Tell me more."

"Hailey, Liv's dad's the guy with the wings and Peter is going after him before he cuts town!" I blinked as my processor...well processed what he just said. When I finally did, I stood up quickly. So much for a happy, safe, normal girl.

"HE IS WHAT?!" I yelled through the phone, horrified. "Why would he- I cannot even fathom why he would think- I- you know what? I do not have time to be shocked by his absolute idiocy, do you know his location?"

"Not exactly but I do know where he's heading. I'll send you the trackers' location. The guy in the chair!" He farewelled, calling out the last part like it was his theme song, and hung up. The guy in the-? No stop it, Hailey, stop asking questions that you will never understand the answers to. A map appeared before my eyes that just got sent to my system right after Ned hung up.

I reached my hands to my upper chest subconsciously but only felt emptiness. Shit.

I scurried to a box with my clothes in it and threw random pieces of cloth around the room before I finally found what I was looking for. An electric blue hoodie and black sweatpants. Not my first choice but it was my only choice right now. I still had my combat boots and face mask since my father did not see the need to take them away. Dumbass.

I 'suited up' and grabbed my makeshift staff, shoving it in my pocket. Just in case. Happy will be coming in soon to get me on the aircraft to officially move to my new home so I need to get moving. I tied my hair up in a tight ponytail and pulled my hood and mask up to hide my face. I opened my window fully, feeling the cool breeze on my face as I breathed in deeply. And then I jumped.

I let myself fall for a moment before pushing my body upwards, stopping myself from splattering on the concrete. I flew below the aircraft on the balcony of the tower so Happy would not see me and headed towards where the tracker was going. An old industrial park in Brooklyn, great. Creepy and great.

I raced through the night sky, needing to meet Peter halfway there because there is no way in hell he is doing this alone. Not on my watch. I suddenly heard ringing in my ears and realized Ned was calling me again.

"Ned? What is it?"

"Hailey you need to go back to Stark Towers, the guy with wings is gonna rob the plane!"

"Ned I am literally halfway to the industrial park and what exactly am I supposed to do with that info? Wait until he shows up while trying to explain to Happy why he should delay the move because of a hunch you two have even though I am not supposed to talk to either of you? Yeah right. Tell Spidey aka the dumbass of this operation I am coming in three minutes, alright?" I hung up the phone and pushed my body faster through the air. I swear to whatever inconsistent god is in the sky, if you are dead Peter Parker, I will kill you.

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