Stories and... Sorcery?

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Fun Trivia Fact #6: Hailey played Solitaire halfway through the Stars Wats marathon and stopped paying attention. She never broke the news to Peter because she didn't want to sit through all of that again.

I debated whether to meet him on the rooftop for patrol, pacing in Jess's living room while she was at work aka getting into other people's business. What could I possibly say to him? 'Hey, I know you left me brainwashed. What the absolute fuck is wrong with you?'

It didn't take a genius to figure out he remembered, he was there at the cafe with that stupid piece of paper, he obviously knew. Plus if I did go to meet him for patrol I'd probably choke him to death out of pure rage though the more I think about it the more appealing that sounds.

I tapped my foot uneasily before thinking 'ah, fuck it,' and tapped the arc reactor stuck to my body causing my suit to envelop me. I opened the window and hopped out, my feet hitting the fire escape and I paused. I looked up at the sky beginning to set and took a deep breath before flying up and toward the building we always met at.

I got there early and hid behind the small room with the staircases locked away, peeking out behind the corner to watch when he arrived. He always came from the right so I knew he wasn't going to spot me and all I had to do was wait. About half an hour later, I heard the familiar swoop and feet dropping down onto the concrete roof. I also knew I never triggered his tingle when we were training, I hadn't in nearly two years so when I jumped out of the darkness and punched him square in the face, he never saw me coming.

"What the hell, Hailey?!" Spidey exclaimed in shock as he clutched his jaw, not even realizing his slip up.

"I knew it! I fucking knew it, you bastard!" I shouted at him, shoving a finger in his chest unapologetically. "You remembered and you were going to leave me brainwashed!"

"Wait, you... how do you remember?" He stammered, looking at me in shock.

"I had to fix the corrupted memory files and the co- you know what? This isn't about me! What the absolute fuck, Parker? You leave me for a month brainwashed and then don't at least try to fix me?!" I questioned in disbelief but he remained weirdly calm like he was afraid to fight back.

"You... you almost died, Hailey. Because of me. Of course, I going to let you forget about me," Peter reasoned like it was the most obvious answer in the world as I stared at him.

"That's not your decision to make, Peter," I gritted my teeth at his ridiculous conclusion.

"How are you angry, you've been trying to push me away all the time from the start of our partnership?!" He argued, gesturing to me wildly and I gaped at his audacity to make this about me.

"Because I'm supposed to be the self-pitying, non-self-aware one in our partnership! That's my thing, man! You're stealing my thing and I don't appreciate someone trying to steal my thing!" I shouted comically at him making him gape at me before putting his hands up in surrender.


"No, that's my thing, Peter! You don't get to..." I trailed off, my voice faltering until it broke making Peter look at me. "You don't get to do that. You don't get to disappear from my life, I won't let you."


"I won't," I repeated more sternly, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"I just thought... it would be easier. For you, for us," he managed out making me go quiet at his vague words causing him to continue. "You were right, Hails. You're always right, I almost got you killed because I didn't listen to you and I can't do that again. I can't."

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