Jealousy, Jealousy

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Ha ha ya get it? Olivia Rodrigo? No? Ok





My shoes tapped against the tile floor as I scurried around, collecting all the documents from my desk and rushed to the elevator, pressing the 1st floor button more than I needed to.

Regret filled my body as I remembered how I was so ecstatic to be head of finance and now here I am, an inch away from having a breakdown. It wouldn't be a problem if that was my only job in the company but now I own half the company which has proved to have its own problems on top of the ones I already had.

I had just gotten home from two meetings and Pepper's press conference and now I have to take a run to Stark Industries to file all the papers I had to work on yesterday night and then I have school in...15 minutes, oh my gods.

It's been about two months since schools have opened back up and I've skipped a quarter of those days and have been late for half. And since I'm co-ceo while also still being head of finance for the time being until we find a replacement I've kinda been over my head. Of course, I would never admit that, especially to Peter who's been encouraging me to step back.

The moment the elevator opened I ran out but stopped midway through the entrance of the building when a bright red warning flashed across my vision.

Warning: 10% charge left. Please charge.

Shit, I forgot my batteries.

After running around the entire city with Happy speeding half the time I was still fifteen minutes late for school.

"You're forgetting more stuff recently."

"Perfectly aware, Happy," I huffed as I did my homework for today that slipped my mind to do yesterday.

"You know you could just repl-"

"I'm not doing that and you know that," I reminded, not looking up from my paper as I rapidly filled in the answers.

"It would be better than slowly dying," he reasoned quietly making me look up at him as he stared me down through the rear view mirror.

"But it's not dying, is it? Especially since I'm already dead and just a walking corpse," I argued back. We shared a look before I realized we were finally here.

"Thanks Happy!" I rushed out before slamming the door with my bag in hand and ran to school, already twenty minutes late.

I dashed through the office, not even bothering to feign shame or regret for being late. I grabbed a pass from a very annoyed lady who muttered something about 'this damn generation' and 'such irresponsible and lazy kids.'

Oh lady, if only you knew.

I jogged through the halls, getting lectured by a teacher or two on my way who I promptly ignored until I finally reached my classroom. I opened the ajar door and apparently walked right into the middle of the lesson too because the teacher immediately stopped talking and stared at me prompting the entire class to do the same.

Normal people would be embarrassed but after the unbearable week I've had, I couldn't have cared if I tried. Also after ordering grown adults around for the last months you apparently get desensitized to caring what people think of you. Very therapeutic.

"Ah Miss Martin, so happy of you to join us. I assume you have your late pass?" I gave her a strained, passive-aggressive smile and handed her the bright orange slip.

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