Goodbyes and Good Riddance

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Fun Trivia Fact #4: Fuck you, past me. Fuck you.

Can we talk about how the writers really just sidelined Ned in the goodbyes like-
Good thing I'm not the writers-

I landed awkwardly beside Peter in front of a very furious-looking Dr. Strange with the box in his hand to send all of them home.

"Strange, wait-" Peter started but was quickly shut down by Strange.

"Zip it! I've been dangling over the Grand Canyon for twelve hours!" Strange snapped that vaguely reminded me of a mother scolding a child.

"I know. I know, I know, I know. I... I'm sorry about that, sir. I mean..." Peter stammered just as Peter #2 and #3 landed on one side of Peter #1 and the other side of me with offended expressions.

"You went to the Grand Canyon?"

"They could've used your help," they said surprisingly protectively over us making Strange look even more confused and annoyed that there were two more of the bane of his existence.

"No, no."

"It's okay, it's okay," Peter #1 assured them nervously while I awkwardly watched this conversation unfold in slight amusement "These are my new friends. This is Peter Parker, he's Peter Parker. Spider-Man, Spider-Man," he introduced unnecessarily since they were very clearly wearing Spider-Man suits. "They're mes from other universes. They're here to help. This is the wizard that I was telling you about."

"Look, I am really impressed that you managed to give them all a second chance, kid. But this has to end, now," Strange demanded but before he could do anything a voice interrupted him.

"Can the Spider-Man come out to play?" A hauntingly familiar voice called out from the sky as green boomerangs shot out from the clouds with Osborn flying on his hoverboard. The glowing green boomerangs exploded near us but Otto snatched them midair with his tentacles before they could blow us up. Osborn grabbed the box off of the metal floor and tried to fly away but Otto stopped him yet again, grabbing the end of his hoverboard with one of his mechanical tentacles. Strange summoned a sparking orange, magic lasso and grabbed the box out under Osborn but he managed to wrangle out of Ottos' clutches and flew up and far away from us making me furrow my eyebrows at the shrinking hoverboard in the sky.

Why would he give up like that? My question was soon answered when Strange levitated the box around showing a familiar glowing green bomb in between the box's cracks making all our eyes widen.

"Strange, no!" My Peter managed to yell out before the bomb went off in the box causing orange light to explode from it and everything around us came crumbling down. The ugly Captain America shield came flying down into the ocean shore, nearly avoiding us but causing MJ to fall behind her and over the edge of the floor.

Her body flailed and Peter immediately leaped off the ledge of the metal floor to grab her hand and I readied a force field to catch both of them but the floor under me and over me collapsed. I levitated my body to myself from falling but the metal beams above me shoved me down and even when I was plummeting to the ground I was struck by deja-vu remembering Washington D.C and that damn elevator. My back slammed against the ground and soon several beams were crushing me, keeping me down.

Warning: Body compromised.

I ignored the red text in my vision and focused on getting up but forgot about my problem when I saw bright orange coils burst out from the top of the Statue of Liberty and the sky split open in many different areas to reveal a purple galaxy type scene. I didn't have time to admire the sky, however, because the force of the burst of magic energy caused the entire construction site to collapse in on itself.

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