Sick Days and Sarcasm

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I knocked on the apartment door with my backpack slung around my shoulder with Peters homework in one of my binders and his usual sandwich from Delmars in my other hand.

"Coming!" I heard Mays muffled voice through the door and I adjusted the bag from slipping off. After a few moments the door opened to be greeted with a flustered May and light smoke emitting from the door.

"I tried to make soup," she explained shortly and I gave her an understanding look with a nod.

"Soup is overrated anyway," I sympathized causing her to smile and open the door wider, letting me in.

"Peters in his room but be careful," she informed, leaning in. "He has a lot of mucus," she whispered making me snicker.

"May!" Peter complained from his room, hearing us due to the thin walls and his heightened senses causing both me and May to chuckle.

"What did I hear about mucus?" I asked, walking into his room to find a mess of a room with tissues overflowing in his trashcan (hehe kinky-) and a hidden Peter buried in his covers.

"Ugh..." he groaned in response with pain and a stuffy nose prevalent in his voice.

"Aw aren't you so happy to see me?"

"I don't need your sarcasm, Hailey," Peter grumbled from underneath his covers as he sniffed loudly before coughing even louder.

"Wait then why else would you text me 72 times if not for my amazing commentary?" I smirked, sitting down beside him on his bed. "Or my phenomenal good looks, either or," I added causing him to give a weak, muffled laugh until he got interrupted by his lungs wheezing desperately.

"You sound like a 70 year old smoker," I cringed at his sickness.

"Thanks so much, Hails," he sniffed sarcastically.

"I brought you a sandwich if it makes you feel any better," I offered, hovering the sandwich near the edge of his bed. He shot himself up from his bed and grabbed it from my hand.

"Have I mentioned how much I love and adore you?"

"Hmhmm sure. Eat your damn sandwich, you look horrible," I demanded looking at his red nose and puffy eyes and rolled my eyes.

He happily obliged and after four minutes the sandwich was gone, leaving a less dead-looking Peter.

"I also got your homework from our teacher which was absolute hell," I complained, digging through my bag.

"It was just getting papers, how hard could it have been?" He smirked at my dramatic complaints, tilting his head at me and looking sickeningly (ehehehehe get it?) adorable.

"I had to run back forth through the halls doing errands for them before getting your papers so yes, it sucked!" I grumbled, getting his homework from my binder and setting it on his desk.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that," Peter apologized sarcastically, bending his head down and irrupted in a loud fit of coughs.

"Well I'll leave you to your disgusting germs," I teased, standing up and began to walk towards the door until Peter grabbed my wrist, stopping me.

"Wait, no, don't leave me..." Peter whined.

"What do you want from me, darling?" I asked softly, tilting my head at my sad looking partner.

"Just stay with me? Please?" He begged doing his usual puppy face.

"I knew my commentary and phenomenal good looks make you feel better," I smirked making him roll his eyes at me before scooting to the left to make room for me.

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