Auntie Hailey and Amnesia

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"Hey, guys! I was wondering- uh...whatcha doing?" I questioned the twins suspiciously as I saw them standing over the kitchen sink before whipping around to me and barricading the sink with their bodies.

"Nothing!" They defended in unison making me narrow my eyes at them.

" two young boys are in the kitchen next to the sink doing nothing...sounds completely normal! But wouldn't you guys more enjoy doing something over nothing?" I asked politely, slowly walking towards them nonchalantly.

"No! We're, we're good!" The twins exclaimed again in unison.

"Hmm-hmm, yeah totally. I mean why wouldn't you b- oops!" I started but pretended to accidentally move my hand, creating a force field in between them and pushed them out the way. "Gosh, you guys are terrible liars," I scolded as I got to the sink only to be greeted with a wet barking dog jumping onto me. I yelled out in surprise, catching the soaking wet dog as he hopped onto my chest with his tail wagging excitedly.

"Well, this sure is a hairy plate," I joked, hearing the crowd of invisible people laugh again making me whip my head around before giving up.

"Don't tell mom! Please...?" Timmy begged causing Billy to do the same.

"Boys, we have to. A dog is a living creature who has needs and you two sneaking to get them is not going to last long. It's not good for anyone," I explained making them pout and me feel guilty. "But I will try to help convince her to let you guys keep him. But if she doesn't agree don't go all temper tantrums on me. Deal?"

"Deal!" They both grinned and just as we established this plea bargain Wanda walked into the kitchen.

"You know, I don't miss the crying, but jeez Louise, did you have to learn to wa- oh!" She exclaimed, noticing the wet furball in my arms and the foamy sink. "Well that sure is a big hairball, you pulled out all that fur from the kitchen sink Hails?"

"Yeah it was a tough job but I had my little helpers here," I joked nervously as she looked over at her sons.

"And how did all that fur get in my sink?"

"I tried showering in the sink and my hair just came out in clumps. It is very concerning, you know you should take me to the doctor for th-"

"Hailey..." Wanda interrupted me, giving me a look that made my willpower crumble in pieces.

"They did it! They stole a dog off the street, my hands are clean!" I defended myself, pointing at them without skipping a beat.

"Hey!" They yelled as they glared at me with betrayal before turning to Wanda. "He was outside all alone, crying. We didn't steal him, we helped him," Billy explained innocently.

"Can we keep him?"

"Now, boys, taking care of a living thing is a big responsibility. Dogs need food, exercise, training, belly rubs, and cuddles. And kisses between his little ears," Wanda explained, starting strong before weakening as she took the dog from my hands and started adoring him slowly. And then Vision entered the kitchen. Finally, a voice of reason!

"Morning, wife. Morning, sister. Morning, boys. Good morning, unfamiliar wet animal," he greeted normally before realizing what he says and took a double-take causing Wanda to chuckle.

"Who's this?" Vision asked, walking over and petting the canine fondly behind the ears.

"We're not quite sure, actually. Why so formal, honey?" She asked, referring to his normal, human look as she put the dog down so he could roam.

"Oh, it's just a precaution really. I had a hunch someone might pop over," Vision explained just before Agnes opened the kitchen door with a dog house in her arms. Wait, how did I know her name? I don't think I've met her before. Unless I met her in my last visit? Yeah, yeah that's it. I just met her last time...

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